Lise and Faith Palmer.

>> August 21, 2011

On May 27, 2011 a classmate of mine from high school was tragically killed. Lise Palmer was on vacation in Lake Chelan when she went out for a run. An elderly driver fell asleep at the wheel and struck and killed her and her unborn baby girl, Faith. Lise was 31 weeks pregnant and only 29 years old. She left behind 2 adorable boys, Ray and Mac and her husband, Ryan.
Since that day, I have often thought of her, almost daily. This tragic event happening to such a beautiful woman, mother and wife. It just isn't fair. Although no one will every understand why it had to happen, the support for her family has been remarkable.
This past Saturday, a group of Lise's closest friends, organized a memorial run for her to help raise money for her little boys and husband. Words can't describe how amazing it was. The love and support from a community was incredible. There were over 1700 people who participated. During the 5k, Katy Pancake-Boal (my walking partner!) passed by Ryan and the boys. Ray asked Ryan, "Daddy, don't you just want to walk?" And he said, "Yes, yes I do!" It made us laugh and smile as Ryan kept running, knowing it's what Lise would want him to do. He is an incredible dad to go through such heartache and still do everything for his boys.
Katy, Carter and I before the race.
Pre-race snacks (yes, cases and cases of Fisher Fair Scones!) I was so impressed with how organized this event was. The number of sponsors, volunteers, officials, media - it was all so overwhelming. Katy and I just stood in silence at times taking it all in.

Everyone lined up waiting to go.

So many people.

Sadly, I didn't take many pictures. I was too busy catching up with old friends and enjoying the day. So excited to run next year for the Annual Lise and Faith Palmer Memorial Run.

If you want to see more pictures or learn more, go to: or you can make a donation at any U.S. Bank towards the Ray and Mac Palmer Scholarship Fund.



Last week I took Carter out to Boxx Berry Farm to pick some blueberries. He and I both love blueberries so I thought I could stock up for the winter. We got there and instantly went to work. He did a lot of this: And this:

While I franticlly picked the berries. After a lot of snacking, picking and chasing we ended up with 13lbs of blueberries! In fact, he snacked so much in the fields, the berries went right through him and I got to change him in the middle of the farm....that was a first.

He would not sit still for a cute little picture. Right after this he snacked on a few more straight out of the bucket, then took off running again down another row!

Boxx Berry Farm also has this amazing market and storefront. They sell beautiful flowers, fresh produce and homemade strawberry shortcake. So, of course, I had to sample it. It would be rude not to.

Luckily, I had a partner to help me finish it off. So delicous!

Then, we spent some time playing on the playground. At the end of the day we had a VERY dirty but happy and tired boy. Can't wait to go back next year!


stripes & dirt.

>> August 16, 2011

I found the cutest footie pajamas a few weeks ago and couldn't resist. With Carter being as big and tall as he is, he quickly grew out of those "baby" clothes like footies pajamas. But, I found a 3T that I was able to squeeze him into and think he's just adorable. It reminds me of his baby days and the stripes are too cute.

He might be growing up but he still sleeps like a little baby!This past weekend Matt & I drove down to Salem, OR to check out the town. It wasn't quite what we were expecting (think outdated strip malls), but still had a nice night away. And, of course, I forgot to take pictures! Carter got to spend some quality time with Grandma & Grandpa Vance (thanks again!). When I came back, he was eager to show me how he had learned to water the flowers. Somehow this turned into just playing, rolling and digging in the dirt.

It was in this moment that I truly realized I had a very boyish boy. No doubt about it. The grin on his face as he rubbed the dirt through his toes was pure excitement!

After a good scrub in the bathtub we decided a sandbox might be a better idea for the future (or at least playing in just dirt and not beauty bark - we're still trying to get that darn sliver out of his hand!)

And, just's my 22 week belly shot!


the new baby.

>> August 9, 2011

Meet our new baby. Yep...a baby doll. She doesn't have a name yet, we're are still trying to decide on the right name! (Just like the real name. And yes, we are keeping it a secret once we decide!)
We thought it was time to buy Carter his own baby so he can start practicing for the real one. The last few weeks he has really grasped the concept of helping. He helps me put laundry away, take laundry out, put dishes away and put toys away. So, why not learn how to help with his baby?
You wouldn't believe how excited he got when we went down the doll aisle at Target to pick out the perfect baby! Haha...Matt was thrilled. And, the first thing he did was poke her eyes out....wonderful.
We got home and he quickly started caring for the baby.
First he had to find the right cup to give her a drink. (Notice baby is lying face down into the carpet. Lesson #1 - teach him the concept of breathing.) He then realized she needed to be held. Good neck support too!

Then it was time to offer her a drink.

But she was getting heavy, so he dropped her. (Lesson #2 - teach him how to gently set a baby down, not drop, throw, swing or toss across the room).

Then he decided to just pour the water over her head. (Lesson #3 -no feeding the baby).

So, I guess we have some work to do, but it's a good start. He'll be the best big brother!!!