Kauai - Part 1 - traveling!

>> June 15, 2013

I'm going to spread out the vacation posts into a few different days because well, 1) I don't really feel like sitting here for a long time and typing out every little memory, 2) there are lots of pictures and 3) you probably don't want to read one ridiculously long post.  So, in an effort to make this interesting and retain some fun memories from our trip, here I go.
We left for Kauai very early on Saturday.  Luckily, our kids are early risers but we did have to wake Carter up before leaving for the airport. I was worried how he would do in the airport because he's not the type of kid who will just stand still in line or patiently wait by my side.  He's a runner.  Always has been.  The type of kid who would have done well with a kid leash when he was younger but I was determined to just chase him at the time.  But, he was amazing!  The trick was getting him his own suitcase.  It was a big job for him.  He was so responsible about pulling that thing around the airport and lucky for us, couldn't run away from us while lugging that suitcase.  Best travel idea ever.
 We arrived with 4 adults (us and Matt's parents) and 2 kids with 4 suitcases, 1 carry-on suitcase, 2 car seats, 6 carry ons and a huge stroller.  How we lugged it all into the terminal I'll never know.  Somehow it worked. We checked in our stuff, made it through security (after a 15 minute delay when our car seat got stuck on the belt, jammed the system and they had to shut down the line, reset the computer and manually check all of our stuff!) and let the kids run wild!
 After a $30 Starbucks trip (thank you expensive airport food...aka fruit cups, 2 coffees and 2 bottles of water) it was almost time to board the flight! Matt's mom was amazing and bought the kids some new books for the flight.  They were so excited to see what she had packed with her!
 Lucy loved wandering through the airport, walking on the seats and flirting with anyone who would look at her.

 We made it on the flight, got comfortable and pulled out the handy dandy IPad!
 Lucy spent time cuddling, napping, snacking, walking the aisle and reading with Grandma.  It really was such an easy flight.  I had low expectations going into it but both kids did so well!

 In Honolulu it was hot. And the kids were hungry and there was only bad food court food.  So we did the only logical thing.  Feed them ice cream!  It was the best $7 we've ever spent, cooled them down, made them happy and bought us 15 minutes to search out some decent food.
 After running around the terminal and making some new friends we boarded one more quick flight to Kauai.
 Then we spent 20 minutes waiting for our rental car.
 And finally, after a very long travel day, we made it!  I just love this place.  Matt and I came to Waiohai for our honeymoon and after coming with Matt's parents and then again with Carter, this place is filled with wonderful memories.  It's beautiful, quiet and the perfect place to spend a week relaxing and playing. Let vacation begin!


Shani June 16, 2013 at 11:32 AM  

I love Kauai :-) As you know we also went there to honeymoon, and brought the kids a few years later. Can't wait to see the pics!

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