she's four.

>> December 19, 2015

Tomorrow morning my baby girl will wake up as a four year old. FOUR! This girl is so ready to be four. But so sad she isn't turning 4 1/2 so she can be that much closer to catching up to her big brother. Lucy has grown up so much this last year in a million different ways. Graduating from speech therapy, starting gymnastics, soccer and swimming, making new friends, becoming a big sister, starting preschool and so much more. She is at the great age of still needing to cuddle, get help with her clothes and wanting to be picked up but also yearning for independence, finding her voice and discovering her personality. She is still sweet as can be and oh, so girly. She loves all things babies, barbies and princesses. She loves to sing but hasn't quite discovered her singing voice so it comes out more like a screeching scream that makes you want to cover your ears and join in, all at the same time. She loves to read. She loves to learn and wants to keep up with Carter. She can write her name, numbers 1-10 and most letters of the alphabet. She surprises me when I least expect it. Like recognizing sight words in books or learning how to pump her legs on the swings or buckle her shoes. It's times like those when I realize her baby days are fading away and my little girl is growing up. 
She makes the best big and little sister. God knew what he was doing giving us a girl between these two boys. She is the perfect middle child. She'll probably never be as fast or quick as Carter but don't ever tell her that. She'll keep fighting, running, and climbing until she catches up to him. Yet, she's the most kind, gentle and affectionate sister to Simon. She loves her friends and loves to make it known. She's a giver. She'd rather give away all her pennies than keep them for herself. She loves sweets. Oh my goodness can this girl eat sugar. She's never met a baked good she didn't like. She's sensitive, funny, inquisitive, brave and now she's turning four. 

Happy 4th Birthday sweet girl. I am so incredibly proud of the little girl you are and are becoming to be. You are always there to remind me to just stop and play. You give the best hugs and I'll cuddle with you forever. You are becoming such a smart writer. I just love your little notes found scattered on post-its throughout the house. You love to help and are always willing to lend me a hand. You are goofy and silly. You are thoughtful and sentimental. You are brave. Starting preschool, swim lessons, going to new childcare, having more might have been a little nervous but you were always willing to try. I just love that about you. You are a rule follower and will remind everyone who is and isn't following a rule. I constantly ask you if you are informing me or tattling. But you want to do things just right. You are artistic. You love to bake. You love to swing at the park. You are the best little Lucy I could have ever imagined and I'm so glad us girls get to be together in this crazy family. Love you more than there are fish in the sea. Happy Happy Birthday.


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