happy new year 2016.

>> January 9, 2016

With Christmas behind us we had a few more days during the break before school started to have a little more fun. I didn't really want to schedule much so I could have time to just relax (yeah, right), put away all the Christmas decorations and enjoy the family time before our routines started up again. The kids loved just having time to play at home, usually being extra silly.
After Christmas we decided to transition Simon to his crib in his room. I wasn't loving this idea since he's our last baby and I didn't want to admit it was already time. But, he just wasn't sleeping great in the pack n'play and his room is literally 3 feet away from ours so it wasn't too bad of a transition. And, he's sleeping much better and for longer stretches, so I guess that's a huge bonus!

 For New Years Eve we actually had plans for the first time in 8 years! Matt could really care less about this holiday and to be honest, I don't really ever want to stay up until midnight since the kids don't sleep in any later the next day. I'm already sleep deprived enough! But, some great friends of ours from college hosted a kid-friendly party at their house including a East Coast New Years celebration for the kids. It was so fun! About 6 families, 14 kids between the ages of 3 months and 7 years and delicious food. We just chatted, let the kids play and headed home around 9:30 after ringing in the new year. Of course, Simon decided he didn't want to go to bed until after midnight, thanks to the nap he had in the car on the way home so we ended up watching the fireworks on tv anyways, but at least I was in my pj's.

 Simon is just growing like crazy and such a happy baby. He now has 3 teeth (2 on bottom, 1 on top), eating a variety of purees, barely naps during the day and doing his best to learn to scoot across the floor (luckily he's taking his time figuring this out allowing me a few more weeks of having a non-mobile baby!). But most of all he's discovered his voice and will scream with glee every chance he gets, earning him the nickname: Screamin' Simon!
 For the past 3 years we've had the tradition of taking a family walk through Bothell Landing on New Years Day. Not really sure why it started but it always happens to be a nice, crisp day and we love getting some fresh air and exploring the trail.
 The day before school started we got a teeny tiny bit of snowfall. Of course the kids were beyond excited, bundled up in ALL their snow gear and were determined to build a giant snowman. After 10 minutes of small flakes falling from the sky it stopped and I had two super bummed out kids with a happy baby sitting on the cold, wet ground. Ha!

 This past weekend I took a walk down to the park next to our house to let Carter fly his new mini-drone he got for Christmas. You can't really see it in the picture but he loved watching it fly high into the air and then fall back down. Luckily it 's really tiny and won't go too far. While we were there we let Simon swing for the first time. He loved it!

 Sadly, the first week back to school also included a round of the stomach flu. I was convinced we were spared after not getting sick over Christmas break, as many of our friends did but poor Lucy woke up one night vomiting and just couldn't stop. I sanitized the entire house, kept her in her room all day with the iPad and after about 24 hours she was back to her normal happy self again. Thank goodness. And, praying the rest of us continue to stay healthy!
 Poor Simon. He's been busy teething and letting us know how painful it really is.  Lots of drool, any toy/stuff animal shoved in his mouth and lots of teething toys. Saddest picture ever until I could find his new vibrating teething toy to help him out a little.
 And that wraps up week one of 2016, we're off to a busy start!


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