Fun times in November.

>> December 1, 2016

November might have been the fastest month on record. We had the build up of Halloween and now suddenly its December 1st. What happened to November?! Here's a few pics to document our fun.
Lucy's outfit of choice one day. So glad she is confident to pull together outfits like this and just go with it! Love your style sweet girl.

 The weather is changing and it's getting cold in the morning when we walk to bus stop. Hats, coats and blankets are a must!
 Simon just loves to read like his big brother and sister. Usually it involves picture books so he can point to the objects and ask "this?" over and over while we name everything on the page. This is such a fun age of discovery for him.
 I had the kids help me in the yard one afternoon so we could rake up all the leaves. They were super excited at first (maybe because I told them I'd pay them a dollar?) and loved jumping in the big pile but once it came time to actually picking them up and putting them all in the compost bin? So much whining. ha! I think the neighbors probably enjoyed watching this unfold. But, they earned their dollar and the yard is clean!
 Still loving these sunny days at the park.
 Lucy is so funny sometimes. She loves to be a girly girl and wear twirly dresses and sparkly shoes but then sometimes she gets a little sassy and is all things sporty. It's pretty fun to watch her discover her own style.
 And she's smart! We buy workbooks to have at home for the kids to do occasionally and Lucy loves to work on hers while Simon naps in the afternoons. She is easily completing all the preschool and kindergarten ones that I already bumped her up to 1st grade math books...which she just finished this week!
 Silly time before school one day.
 He disguised his turkey for school as Spiderman. Such a fun homework project!
 Our weekly trip to the bookstore while Lucy is at preschool. It's so fun having this time to spend with just Simon a few mornings each week.
 He might be growing up and loving Harry Potter but you'll never take the Peter Pan out of him!
 Sleepy boy in striped pjs? The best thing ever.

Happy November!


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