football and futbol.

>> May 30, 2017

We are now halfway through the spring sports season and even though 4 days a week seems crazy (yes, it is!) it's been so much fun watching the kids learn new skills, make new friends and get more confident. 4 days a week we load up the car with water bottles, snacks, footballs and soccer balls and head over to a field somewhere around town. The siblings from the other teammates all run around and get dirty, usually scrape a knee or two and end up needing to use a honey bucket for a potty break(eewww). Matt wrangles up the teams and gets to work. And I try to watch a play or two while managing the herd of little ones running around the sidelines. 
Dinners are random, hands and feet are oh so dirty but I really do think we are all having a fun time. Matt has been such a great coach to both of these teams and I'm so glad the kids have him as a role model to look up to. 

 While it'll be nice to have some of our weeknights back in a few weeks I will definitely miss these sunny spring nights running around with friends and playing games. So glad both kids have enjoyed these sports!! Go Team Thunderhawks (Carter's football team) and Elephant Goalies (Lucy's soccer team)!


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