a very merry thanksgiving.

>> November 30, 2017

Whoa, picture overload on this post. I probably should have split this up into a few posts but that would require more time, which I'm struggling to find extra of these days. This is one of my favorite times of the year but it's also easily the busiest. Between holidays, 2 birthdays and lots of celebrations we are going non-stop! Of course, I pretty much do this to myself because it's all fun stuff but I'm allowed to complain a little bit too. Maybe one day we'll have a super simple Christmas season, but not for now. It's just too much fun to celebrate!
The week before Thanksgiving involved half days for the kids for school conferences. We spent our time baking, playing outside and watching football. Go Hawks!

 Somehow the kids convinced me to stop by their favorite local bakery for a special treat too. This tiny place has been open for over 100 years, is family owned and has so many delicious treats. Hard to pass up on a rainy day!

 I can't believe she's almost 6. She is so beautiful - inside and out!
 The night before Thanksgiving we finished our final day of the annual Thanksgiving tree. This was our 6th year and I loved how thoughtful each hand was. Such a special tradition that we all look forward to and really helps us remember how blessed we truly are.

 Thanksgiving morning we drove down to Grandma and Grandpa Vance's house to spend the weekend with them. I got busy in the kitchen cooking the side dishes while the kids watched the parade and played football outside. It was a great day of relaxing, eating and spending quality time together. Nothing better!

 So much food and probably one of our best meals yet!

We kept traditions going throughout the weekend with our annual Black Friday shopping. I'm not a crazy person who fights crowds for an amazing deal but I do enjoy walking around after a day of eating and cooking. The kids don't want/need much this year so shopping was pretty simple. In the morning Matt and I get a few hours to ourselves (notice how happy he is at the beginning of the day with some hot coffee!!), then we go home for a quick lunch and I go back out with Matt's mom. After the kids go to bed it's time for round 3 with Matt again (now he really looks thrilled!). Next year I'm planning to wear a pedometer and track how many steps I take. But, shopping is almost done and presents are already wrapped!
While I was out shopping the kids got to spend quality time with Grandpa Vance. Bedtime stories are a big favorite around here.
Saturday morning we did yet another yearly tradition. Our stop at Watson's nursery to see the reindeer, drink hot chocolate, do the kids scavenger hunt and write letters to Santa. We met up with my brother and sister-in-law too, which was fun. Even though this store is FULL of fragile gifts the kids do a nice job of walking around carefully (except for the crazy 2 year old!) and love visiting every year to see the decor.

This year Carter is asking for a skateboard and Harry Potter movies, Lucy wants the Sleeping Beauty barbie and Simon is pleading for a Russell Wilson helmet. Love it!

We came home for a few hours before changing into pajamas and driving towards Mt. Rainier for the Polar Express Santa train. We mis-read the departure time and got there way too early, which meant a lot of standing around and grumpy attitudes from all of us. But, once we got on the train it was fun for everyone! They did such a nice job of following the storyline, including hot cocoa, cookies, dancing and even a visit from Santa. This was a big highlight of the weekend for the kids and one they are still telling their friends about this week.

Simon was so excited to see the lights when we got to the North Pole. He just clung onto his gold ticket and had a huge smile on his face. Love this magical season.

And finally, Sunday morning included our final tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree. We've visited the same farm for the past 3 years or so and really like the whole experience. When we woke up that morning it was dark, windy and dumping rain. The kids were determined to cut down a tree despite Matt's attempts to convince them a pre-cut one from Costco would work just fine this year. So, we packed up our rain boots and started driving. And as we parked the skies suddenly opened, the sun shone down and we all started taking off layers of rain coats to enjoy searching for a tree without rain. We honestly couldn't have timed it any better! Just an hour after we left the crazy rain and winds returned all day - so weird and yet, perfect for our tree hunting experience!

Matt now has 3 little helpers watching and hovering over him as he tries to cut down the tree. Carter was great at helping, Simon took a quick turn and Lucy just commented on how sweaty Matt was getting. Haha!

We came home after a long, fun weekend and somehow had enough energy left to put up the tree and lights. When the kids woke up the next morning they were in awe at the sights of Christmas. I pulled out all the decorations and we've been having fun reading old and new Christmas stories, putting up ornaments and playing with Christmas toys. Such a special time of year.
This week begins a new sports season for both big kids - basketball! Lucy started on Tuesday and has such a great team of girls. 4 of them moved from soccer to basketball so it's fun to already know parents and let Lucy have friends she can see each week. Carter started tonight and is so happy to be playing again.

This weekend includes family movie/pizza night, a special 8 year olds' birthday party, a work holiday party/date night for Matt and I, sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa Vance house, a Seahawks game and a birthday lunch celebration. Whew....I'm already exhausted. Merry Thanksgiving 2017!


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