all the activities all week long.

>> June 11, 2018

I found this coffee mug a few months ago and think it perfectly reflects our busy schedule these days. With school winding down next week (so bittersweet!) there are about 2947573955 activities happening every single day for every single child. Our calendar is packed with music programs, field trips, class parties, sports games and more. It's all fun, celebratory and exciting but it's also just a lot. A whole lot. So, I drink my coffee and remember that lazy summer days are coming soon!
 Trying to soak in my one-on-one time with Simon before the big kids are home all summer means balancing out running errands to Costco with playtime. So last week we went to the Children's Museum to play for a bit. He's at such a fun age where he's seeking out independence but still full of curiosity and I just love it.

 Later that night we went to a late night (late for my early to bed kids) 2nd grade music performance. It was fantastic! Carter and his classmates along with 3 other classes sang and performed for almost 40 minutes. The music teachers chose to focus on cultural diversity, acceptance and kindness so each song portrayed a positive message. In the midst of this ridiculous political climate it's so refreshing to see kids loving on each other and sharing their cultural beliefs, languages and heritages. I just love this school.

 Can we just stop and notice how tall everyone is getting?!? Carter is almost the same height as Grandma!
 The next morning we got ready for Simon's last day of preschool. We tried out 1 full day a week this year so I could coordinate childcare and work and he did fabulous! He made new friends, loved learning and can't wait to return in the fall.
 And talk about change. He's a completely different kid!

 Last week we also had an extra soccer game for Lucy. Whew! They played a tough team but came out with another win and it was so fun to watch.

 Friday night and Saturday morning the rain rolled in so Carter's football game was wet and slippery. They remain undefeated and Carter scored another touchdown! Simon was a trooper under the umbrella and really has been great all season. It's not easy having to sit and watch on the sidelines 4 days a week. Luckily t-ball starts in 7 days and it will finally be his turn!
 Saturday not only included another soccer game but 4 other parties! I think I spent more time in my car all day driving kids from one party venue to another. We thought Sunday would be more relaxing but it involved teaching Sunday School at church, haircuts for 2 kids and another party! Pretty sure the kids ate more cake in the past 2 days than they have in 2 years!

 After our last party we came home, ate a quick dinner and pulled out a loose tooth for Lucy! Yay for #2!
Today marks the final full week of school with so many fun things happening. Final football and soccer practices/games, egg drop, field trips, field day, 1st grade classroom visit, final cooking lesson, study buddy presentations and....Simon's birthday!

 We started birthday week off with a walk to the park and then a special (free!) birthday treat at the bookstore. Because, you know, he didn't have enough cake over the weekend.    :)
 Now...more coffee.


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