Ski to Sea 2010

>> May 31, 2010

Every Memorial Day weekend Bellingham hosts an enormous relay race. It consists of 90 miles, 7 courses and sports and include professional athletes, ex-Olympians and ordinary people around town. This year 464 teams competed. For the last 3 or 4 years we've headed down to Fairhaven to watch the kayakers come in at the end of the race. It is always an exciting time to see an entire community come out to support those who are racing. And, you are always bound to run into a friend or two! Karlie, Carrie, Carter, Sarah and Kairi

Karlie, Carrie and Brandon

Carter and Kairi. Kairi is 10 months old and so stinkin' cute. She was wanting to flirt with Carter the whole time (and steal a few toys). Carter just gave her the cold shoulder, he was much more intested in chewing on our water bottle!

Finally, Carter gave in and checked her out. I don't think they were too impressed with each other!
After a small meltdown due to the cheering from the crowd, Carter perked back up to his happy little self. All in all, it was a fun day spent with great friends. Happy Memorial Day!


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