Happy Half Birthday!

>> June 3, 2010

6 months ago our little boy was born. 6 months. Crazy. Tonight Matt and I were thinking back to that day (well days as my labor was VERY long). It's funny how you can remember every little detail. How quickly these last 6 months have gone, how quickly our lives were turned upside down, in an instant. How quickly we learned to adapt to changes in our sleep, work, social life and marriage. It has been an amazing 6 months.

This past month we have especially noticed huge milestones in our baby. Every day he seems to turn into more of a little boy and less of a baby. He is now sitting up on his own, starting to scoot backwards and in circles, eating solid foods, smiling and laughing constantly, saying "Hi dada" over and over and over again (I'm endlessly working on "mama" but he's just not interested!). He has learned to love (and expect) his bedtime routine, rubs his eyes when he's sleepy, tugs on Yoshi's tail, puts everything in his mouth and has a favorite new game of dropping every toy on the floor from his highchair (actually the fun part of the game for him is watching mama pick up his toys over and over again - not so fun for me!)

Carter is such a joy in our lives. From the moment he wakes up (at 5:30am!) grinning from ear to ear to the last snuggle at night before we lay him down he is simply a happy, happy baby. We couldn't be more blessed and are so excited to see what the next 6 months hold. As we prepare for a major babyproofing session, we will thoroughly enjoy these last few weeks with a non-mobile baby


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