a little bit of this, a little bit of that.

>> July 26, 2013

None of these pictures actually go together but they all contain 2 cute kids so I decided this would be a jumbled post of summer fun.  Here goes:
Carter earned his 3rd badge at the Lowe's Build & Grow days.  He is loving this time to hit a hammer and "build" a new toy each month.  I left my phone in the car so I couldn't take a picture of him actually building the truck, but he did so well! 
 Bath time has become more like "let's try to flood the entire bathroom floor every night." Thank goodness for shower doors.
 We discovered a new donut shop right near our church so naturally had to try it out one Sunday morning. And then we discovered about 12 new donuts we want to try out in the future.  Uh oh.
 Lucy loves to splash in the pool but rarely gets in.
 She's much more interested in watering the vegetables!
 And getting herself a little wet in the process!  Love the look on her face!
 We took the kids over to Wallace Creek Swamp Park the other day which is this awesome nature reserve only 5 minutes from our house.  It has tons of walking trails and a creek (hence the name) that flows down the middle with lots of fun places to play in the water and throw rocks.  The kids were so sad when it was time to leave.
 We'll definitely be going back a few more times this summer!
 Lucy was very serious the other morning with her breakfast. I remember reading every little detail of the cereal box when I was a little girl.  Like mother, like daughter.
 (disclaimer: I do feed my children plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains and they love them. But, it's not fun to take pictures of kids eating vegetables all the time).  I took the kids to the donut shop again for a special treat after Lucy got a vaccine.  Another perk is our pediatrician is in the same parking lot as the donut shop.  Big uh oh. Carter devoured this enormous maple bar in about 8 seconds.
 So we burned off all that sugar at the park!
 Cutest face ever.
 Always happy in the morning, just like her mama.
 And another self-take tonight before bed.


Shani July 31, 2013 at 9:53 AM  

Such a pretty family :-)

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