the snake.

>> July 18, 2013

Since moving to this house almost a year ago we have discovered a zoo full of creatures.  We have a dog, tons of random birds, an enormous bees nest, lots of wild bunnies and now....a snake. I noticed it about a month ago when Matt was out of town while I was making a tiny effort to do some yardwork. Once I saw it I figured it was a sign from God that I needed to stop and let Matt finish it once he came home.  I don't like snakes!
About 2 weeks later my parents were up babysitting and my mom saw the snake again.  My dad tried to kill it but it slipped away too quickly. 
Then, last week it returned.  Again. That damn snake will not leave my little yard alone! Carter was excited to see it and wanted help moving the rocks to find it. I told him he was on his own, grabbed Lucy and jumped on our deck's bench to watch from above. 
He bravely moved each rock (well, huge stone!) until he found it hiding. (Sorry for the crappy pictures with my shadow.  I was shaking nervously, yelling at the snake, cheering Carter on and trying to document this moment all at once). 
 Then it slithered away again (see how enormous it is!!!)
 My brave 3 year old got to work using his little shovel.  He whacked it over and over as it slithered throughout the yard. I was actually quite impressed with how precise he was with his hits.
 And finally, after a minute or so it was done. The snake was dead. I was so proud of my little boy but then quickly realized that I had totally just taught him how to kill a living thing. Oops. We had a quick talk about the circle of life, moved the snake to the garbage can, washed our hands and ate some lunch.
 And the whole time Lucy just stood in amazement!  It was quite the morning.


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