another week in the books.

>> October 1, 2017

Since school started a few weeks ago I feel like we've been running on overdrive. Suddenly our carefree summer schedule of waking up, relaxing and casually deciding what to do each day feels so distant and we are now cramming our days full of routines, practices, meetings and games. But we are all slowly adjusting and finding time to still relax, connect and enjoy some favorite family traditions. 
Last week Matt and I were able to attend the kids' curriculum nights. They both have AMAZING teachers this year and we feel so lucky to have them both learning in such supportive, positive, challenging environments. Carter has never been one to love arts and crafts. He just doesn't have confidence in his skills so we were both blown away when we saw his self portrait hanging up in his room. Plus, he only had 1 day to complete this entire project and came up with some really creative clues to describe himself. Two proud parents!
 Lucy has been having fun choosing new school outfits each morning. And then we have to document them before we head to the bus stop. Of course, Simon would be left out if he didn't get a picture too. Ha!
 Simon and I have been having fun together, especially the final hour before we pick up the kids. Because of a strange bus schedule this year, I've chosen parent pick up now in the afternoons so the kids can get home earlier and we have more time to snack, relax, read or play before the evening activities begin. Simon and I usually head over to a park or go for a walk or bike ride before walking over to the school. And Lucy is still loving soccer this year. Her team really found their stride last week and played so hard in their game! Lucy scored two goals and they crushed the other team! (don't worry, we were killed the previous week so the girls are still humble about their overall record). I'm so proud of how hard she's working and the friendships she's formed with her teammates.

 I caught Simon the other day gently rocking his baby to sleep. Just another cute moment at home. Love his personality!
 The other day Simon and I went for a walk at a nearby park to play on the playground and explore for a while. We watched ducks and squirrels, picked up sticks and rocks and ran all around before heading home. It's pretty fun exploring with a 2 year old. He spent 30 minutes alone just standing on top of a sewer drain examining some flowers. Silly boy!

 And then there is preschool. He's now had 2 full (long!) days there and seems to be happy but is SO tired when he gets home. I'm able to get a lot done between work and picking up the kids but the rest of the day is pretty sad for him as he's so incredibly tired. I'm sure he'll slowly adjust but right now it's hard on all of us.

 And, just as we were getting used to cooler, crisp mornings, leaves falling and a bit of rain returning we had 2 unexpected hot days last week. Like 90 degrees hot! As a final ode to summer I picked up the kids after school and headed over to ice cream for a special treat. Because these PNW kids just can't handle 90 degrees in September!

 And a great way to end the week? Lucy running her first mile in PE! She finished and realized she could get another card if she ran an extra lap so, just for fun, she did! Go Lucy!


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