all about Simon.

>> September 21, 2017

They say the third child is a wildcard and I think I'd have to agree. While Simon is such a good mix of both Matt and I he is so uniquely him. And so different from the other kids. He has this huge personality that is really coming out now and it's hilarious and fun and amazing to watch. 
Take sports. He's obsessed. He talks about sports, wears sport clothes, reads books about sports, only watches sports on tv (seriously, you couldn't pay him to watch an episode of Sesame Street) and asks to play sports And, he's actually good at them! He's got quite the throw and is incredibly accurate in his aim.
So, when I had to run to the store for a few things the other day and saw this bat/ball set on a 90% off clearance sale I gave in, spent the $2 and put a big smile on his face. Yes, he already has 4 other bats, but....I'm a sucker.
And, then he proceeded to hold the bat nonstop all day. We compromised for nap time and I even let him sleep with it. Ha!
 He woke up, still clutching that silly bat in one hand and ball in the other and then fell asleep in my arms for a little longer.
 Later in the day it was time to walk to school to get the big kids. I wasn't about to let him swing a bat wildly around a huge group of elementary aged kids so luckily he was content with the ball.

 And then....he started preschool! We are trying a once a week preschool this year so I can run to work for a few hours (thanks to my incredibly supportive and flexible boss!) while he plays and learns a thing or two. It's the same school Carter and Lucy attended so Simon knows the teachers, the rooms and even a few of the kids. I was a little worried how he'd do at drop off since he doesn't always love being dropped off at church but this big kid jumped right out of the van, grabbed his backpack and took off running. I heard a "bye bye mama!" before he pushed the door right open and greeted his teachers. Easiest drop off ever. I was so stunned I just stood there for a minute before realizing I was free to leave and let him play. It's a long day for him but his teachers said he did great and played well with others. Yay Simon!

 I asked him if he was tired when I picked him up and he said yes but really wanted a snack. So I gave him some crackers in the car and about 10 seconds later I heard snoring. He was out cold. Preschool is exhausting when you are two!
Needless to say, this little one has captured the hearts of so many in his short life and I can't wait to see how this year unfolds. He's a wildcard, for sure.


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