diapers no more.

>> April 6, 2018

Well, it was time. Not that Simon is late to the potty training game (he won't even turn 3 until June) but after many months of telling us when he was going and then asking for us to change him I knew it was time. We had slowly been introducing the idea and he wasn't hating it, but wasn't loving it either. But on Monday I just went for it. I said we are done with diapers! Only undies, all day every day. And, after a short protest he was on board. We only had a few accidents day 1 but by the end of the day he had completed his potty chart! Woohoo! (this even included a few outings away from the house and peeing in public bathrooms!).
I was desperate and offered him the world. Luckily he chose football and chocolate. Naturally. Would we expect anything else from this kid?

 We headed to the bookstore for a new football book and then over to Whole Foods for a special chocolate treat - an ooey, gooey, frosted chocolate brownie, yum!

He's still in diapers for bedtime and naps but has woken up dry from every nap and was even dry this morning after a full nights sleep! Our diapering days in this house are soon to come to an end!


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