A recap of 2008

>> January 3, 2009

I was thinking back at what a crazy year 2008 was and decided to document it in a month-by-month outline.  So...in case you were wondering, here's our life from 2008:

January: Julie started her new job...loves it!
Feburary:  We buy a house.
March: We remodel the house.
April:  Move into the house (notice a trend here?)
May: Go to Hawaii for the 2nd time in a year.
June: Celebrate Julie's birthday and get a puppy!
July: Celebrate Matt's birthday and our 1st anniversary in Whistler.
August: Start puppy training.
September: Seahawks season starts & Julie goes to her 1st game ever.
October: Matt works like crazy to raise 200,000 pounds of food for the Food Banks.
November: Continue puppy training.
December:  Go to Florida for Christmas, miss the 1st white Christmas in Seattle in 10+ years.

Goal for 2009:
1. Finish puppy training!