pumpkin lovin'

>> September 27, 2012

Fall has officially arrived.  The mornings are chilly, the leaves are changing colors and pumpkins are showing up everywhere.  We are a pumpkin loving family.  From going to a pumpkin patch to eating pumpkin-y food, we love it!  So, it was only fair to introduce pumpkin to Lucy at the beginning of fall. And, let's just say love is an understatement.  This girl devours anything with pumpkin in it.  Pumpkin oatmeal, pumpkin yogurt, pumpkin cream cheese.  I think fall might be her favorite season.


9 months

>> September 20, 2012

9 months.  You think I'd realize by now that time just really isn't going to slow down and I need to accept it.  But, how has it already been 9 months?  Some mornings I look at Lucy and think, "you are still supposed to be an itty bitty newborn!"  But, nope, she's not.  She is an on-the-go, ready to move and explore little girl.  How I wish I could slow down time.

At 9 months Lucy is:

Weight (I left my scale at work so we'll find out on Tuesday at her check-up!)
Eating: Still breastfeeds 1-2 times at night and 4-5 times during the day.  Likes to eat about 2 meals and 2 snacks a day. And still doesn't like to drink from a bottle or sippy cup.
Food:  Her favorites are: bananas, pears, avocado, Cheerios, salmon, pumpkin, oatmeal, nectarines, peas, green beans, yogurt and turkey meatballs!
She's not a huge fan of butternut squash, spinach, rice and carrots.  We'll keep working on it.
Teeth: 2 bottom and  now 2 on top!
Clothes: wearing 12 month clothes, hates socks and is quickly refusing headbands.
Toys: her favorites are her table top toy, her push car, singing pig, teething rings and stacking rings.
Sleep: 2 naps and 10 hours at night (usually waking up once to eat and cuddle)
Play time:  She is on the move!  Loves to crawl everywhere (and fast), climb the stairs, cruise the furniture, jump in her jumper, push her car across the room and swing at the park.
Personality: She is still a happy, content, mellow, cuddly baby.  But, I'm quickly seeing her stubborness and persistent side come out.  When she wants something (usually the dog toys), she'll keep going after it over and over again, no matter how many times I try to move or distract her.  And, each time she gives me that "look" like she totally understands what I'm saying but could care less about listening to me!  Uh oh.

Lucy, we love you so much!  You are my favorite 9 month old. 
 "Really, this bear again?"
 "Okay, I'll smile for you.  Only because you are making a ridiculous face right now!"
"Are we done yet?  I have things to do!"


from the mouth of a 2 year old.

Carter has been saying some of the funniest things lately.  I had to write them down somewhere so I won't forget 10 years from now.

"Mama, sometimes Daddy burps just like Pumba!"  (he's into the Lion King lately)

"I'm just not feeling happy right now.  It's too hard to feel happy."  (while trying to get out of taking a nap!)

His somewhat annoying singing stuffed puppy dog asked in a high-pitched voice, "Who's your best friend?"  His reply:  "well, hmmm....ummm.....daddy!"  When it asked again his reply: "oh...well, this time yoshi!"

"I"m awake mama and ready for ice cream!"

"oh silly Lucy, you are a baby!"

"There is a crocodile in the backyard eating watermelon!"


all in a days work.

>> September 10, 2012

I went to a work conference last week and the speaker brought up the term "superwoman."  She was referring to those moms who somehow do it all.  You know, they cook, clean, play with the kids, work and somehow manage to have a fun, social life.  This post in no way is intended for me to sound like superwoman.  Trust me.  Now that I'm only working part-time I'm beginning to learn a new way of life.  That tricky balance between work, playing with the kids to give them a happy, educational, memorable childhood and remembering that the house somehow needs to get and stay relatively clean.
So, because I often look around the house and see all that needs to be done (especially the floors, even though I just vacuumed and mopped them 18 hours ago), I thought I'd make a list of everything I accomplished this morning, all before noon.  This isn't meant to brag or boast, but more serve as a reminder that even when it doesn't feel like it, I am productive.  Because, let's face it.  Motherhood is hard work.  And when you clean the table 72 times in one day, it doesn't seem like much.  But it's important to give ourselves the credit we deserve.

Nursed the baby 3 times.
Took a shower, got dressed, drank some coffee.
Made the bed.
Did a load of laundry.
Fed the dog.
Fed the toddler breakfast, 2nd mini-breakfast and a snack.
Fed the baby breakfast and a snack.
Played dress-up, cars, puzzles, baseball and pretend baking in the play kitchen.
Rocked baby to sleep for a nap.
Baked pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.
Played with play-doh and finger paints.
Yelled at the toddler for painting the chair.
Apologized to toddler.
Gave toddler a bath after finger paints turned into full body paint.
Cuddled with toddler while watching cartoons.
Changed 5 diapers.
Wiped off the kitchen table 8 times.
Read 6 books.
Helped toddler go potty 3 times.
Cleaned up bathroom after potty/handwashing mess 3 times.
Got toddler dressed 4 times.
Followed baby up the stairs twice and saved her from falling down the stairs 3 times.
Took dog toy away from baby's mouth 3 times.
Put toddler and baby down for a nap.
Made homemade jam.
Snacked on some trail mix while checking fb as kids slept.

As hectic as life can get, it's nice to remember that the days might go by slowly but the weeks/months/years continue to fly by.  Despite the chaos little ones can bring it's still important to me to forget about the stuff that "needs" to get done and sometime focus on the stuff that "wants" to be done. There will always be time tomorrow (or rather tonight after the kids fall asleep) to finish the laundry, clean the garage and wash the dishes.  But, finally after 2 years of me desperately wanting to be home more with the kids, I'm going to take advantage it and enjoy the fun.  And, remind myself that superwoman doesn't exist and that's okay.