
>> July 17, 2008

To celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary, Matt surprised me with a weekend get-a-way to Whistler! It was so much fun. We slept in, ate too much good food, and saw some incredible views of the mountains. We rode up to the very top peak and hiked around for a while. 1 year down, 74 to go!

Us at the Lodge almost near the top!

Our hotel.

View from our hotel room. They had the bunny hill set up for mountain bikes...so fun to watch!

On the way to the top!

At the very, very, very top!

The view...amazing!

Another amazing view.
The view of the village from the top. It looks so small!


Nap anyone?

So...it has now been exactly 4 weeks since we got little yosh-man. We can't believe how much our lives have changed. In those 4 weeks we've found our favorite activity to be nap time. And, I think Yoshi would agree. He's found a few favorite sleeping positions. See for yourself:


i'm really not a lazy blogger...

>> July 9, 2008

So I know what everyone is thinking...there she goes again, teasing us with 2 blogs, then nothing for weeks.  Well..I've been a little busy with this puppy.  But..good news is that he is eating less and less of his poop now and hasn't thrown up since the puke-fest a few weeks ago!  We are starting obedience school next week...we'll see how he does.

In other news we had a super fun 4th of July.  Of course we were so busy having fun I never took any pictures.  Oops.

Matt and I have our 1 year anniversary on Monday!!  To celebrate we are going to Whistler this weekend! It's hard to believe it's already been one year. I love him more and more every day and although living with a boy can be gross at times...it's amazing to get to live with your best friend.