our summer.

>> September 21, 2011

Oops, it has been a month since I've blogged. I guess we've been busy (or I'm just lazy/tired?) Anyways, our summer seemed to fly by, like it does every year. We spent most of our time (okay, every.single.day.) going on walks to the park. Not really sure how we are going to survive winter when we can't let Carter get his energy out at the playground. I'm already looking into some arts & crafts ideas (if anyone has anything that works, I'd gladly take suggestions!).
So...here's a quick recap (there are too many pictures to post them all, so I'll be brief)
Carter is starting to sort of understand that a baby is coming. Well, at least we are making progress with the doll. He likes to hug her, give her milk, put her blanket over her and rock her to go "ni-night." Then, he enjoys throwing her across the room. Oh well, some progress has been made. It's a start. We got to celebrate friends' birthday parties. Love the pool parties in the summer!

Carter learned to quickly love the spray park. Took a few minutes to warm up to the idea, but then he never wanted to leave.

He went on the "weee" (swing) many times a day!

On those not-so-nice summer days, we spent lots of time reading books. He is such a little book nerd, I love it.

And, playing his computer.

Carter has a new obsession with his grandpas. Both of them he calls "boppy." We have no idea where he came up with it, but he makes it well known when he wants to talk to boppy, have boppy take him to the park, read with boppy, eat with boppy, play with boppy....well, you get the idea.

And, just for proof that I was here to witness everything. A picture of me! I'm now 28 weeks along and feeling great. I had a little bump in the road a few weeks ago but feeling fine now and baby girl is super active. I can't believe I'm already in my 3rd trimester. I am one of those girls who just loves being pregnant so it's a little sad this pregnancy is going so quickly, but I am so excited to meet this little girl. We are busy converting a guest room into a nursery, transitioning a toddler into a big boy bed, picking out pink accessories and finding the time to enjoy our family of 3!