our day(s) of love.

>> February 20, 2014

Normally our Valentine's Day is spent pretty low-key.  At home. With a pizza. But, this year we got to celebrate in a very big way.  An actual date night for us with the kids' first sleepover at a friends house!
To start the week off I made Valentine's for the kids to give to their friends. Thanks Pinterest!

Then we made some delicious sugar cookies, just because. Well, it's a tradition but after making a ridiculous amount of Christmas sugar cookies and then Seahawks Superbowl sugar cookies…I think I'm a done with cookies for a while.

On the morning of Valentine's Day I made the kids a special breakfast.  Heart shaped french toast to go with their green smoothies. Carter ate 4 pieces and begged me for more.  

Then it was picture time! Lucy is in the early stages of potty training (meaning she enjoys wearing the undies but not so much actually going in the potty yet) But, she usually ends up with Carter's undies on instead of her own.

Late in the afternoon I dropped the kids off at their best friends house (and our usual sitter when I work) for a slumber party!  We had watched their kids for New Years Eve so they were returning the favor. Our kids are more like brother/sister to each other so everyone was very excited.
And then Matt and I got to have a long/fantastic/romantic date night!  It started with Thai food.  Being it was Valentines Day and every restaurant was either booked, super expensive or bad service we figured Thai would be a good choice.  And, we had the restaurant to ourselves!  Matt joked he had paid the restaurant extra money to "rent" it out privately just for us….in reality we ate early and I guess people don't really want spicy Pad Thai on a romantic holiday. 

Then we headed over for a painting and wine class.  I have been wanting to do this for a while now and we lucked out with an open spot in the class just the day before. We are NOT artsy/crafty people.  At all. But, I have heard amazing things about these classes and was excited to try.  Besides, a glass (or two!) of wine always helps me relax.

 Halfway done and we only needed the instructor to come save our canvas once!
 The finished product. At first I wasn't too thrilled when comparing it to everyone else's in the class.  But, the more I look at it and see it hanging on our wall, the more I love it!  Best news of all, we won a free class to come back again sometime.  So excited!

In the morning we picked up to very happy kids who graciously slept in for our friends. Such a great way to celebrate the ones we love!


just some cute kids.

>> February 11, 2014

For memories sake, a collection of completely random pictures over the last month or so.  

Just a little glimpse into our everyday lives!