month by month with a teddy bear.

>> December 20, 2012

Every month, on the 20th day, I took a picture.  I am amazed at how quickly one can grow in just a year.  But, one thing remained the same: a sweet little girl and her adorable teddy bear. 
Happy Birthday Lucy!



>> December 19, 2012

It's been one indescribable year.  

 I have thought back countless times to one year ago at this time and it still seems like just yesterday I was pregnant.  I loved being pregnant.  It wasn't until the day before Lucy was born that I finally felt like I was ready to be done and have her here.  And my labor was a dream.  Not that I enjoyed the painful contractions, but the whole experience was everything I had hoped for.  That moment where you look down and grab your's incredible.  She was simply perfect.
 I had always wondered how my heart would grow to love another baby.  People say it just does and well, they are right.  It does.  It happened instantly and I still can't believe how much I love her.
 Matt and his little girl.  It's been fun to watch the bond between the 2 of them.  Sometimes she only wants me, but other times she gives him that "look" and he just cuddles right up with her.  Late at night the two of them have many cuddle sessions and I end up hearing Matt snoring through the baby monitor as they sleep together in her rocking chair.  I love it.
 We couldn't have visitors at the hospital when Carter was born (thank you H1N1) so it was so fun to have people come and adore her.  She was one of those beautiful newborns. Smooth pink skin, long fingers and dark messy hair.
 Her first Christmas.  Only 5 days old.  Tiny. Sleepy.  My favorite gift.
 She slept right through everything.
 Lucy has been our sensitive baby.  She prefers to be held, cuddled, rocked.  A little more dramatic when she falls.  Picky when she eats. But she's our flexible baby too.  A sort of go-with-the-flow, nap anywhere she can, along for the ride type personality.  I have been so grateful for this.  During a year of transitions for a 2 year old I couldn't have done it without a patient, easy-going baby.
 Her smile.  It's my favorite thing about her.  It lights up her entire face and then lights up a room.  When I pull the camera out, it's like she knows her job is to do one thing.  And she smiles, then giggles, then smiles even bigger.  She has always been such a happy baby.  We are blessed.

She knows what she likes (and doesn't like).  Food was never an issue for Carter.  He ate and ate and ate (and the ate some more).  Lucy has been very different.  She never did end up taking a bottle (thank goodness for sippy cups).  And if she doesn't like something, it ends up on the floor or the dog's mouth.  Every single night.  Drives me crazy.  She gives us this look too.  It's cute now but we know it'll give us grief in the future.  

 Even though she walked early (10 months) and can get around pretty easily she still likes to be touched, connected and with someone.  Carriers have been our survival tool this year.  Carter never really liked it, preferring to run and explore without being attached.  But this little girl only needs some physical touch and her thumb to suck and she's content.

 And beautiful.  Besides the obvious cuteness, she's beautiful on the inside too.  Her adoration towards Carter, big grin with her dolls and waving arms with friends and family.  She's just full of love.
 And now she's one.
 I am just amazed at how much I love this little person.  I love the way she rests her head on my shoulder or chest in the morning when she wakes up.  I love the way she twirls my hair around her fingers when she's tired.  I love her giggle.  I love her grin.  I love her patience when I'm busy with Carter.  I love her big blue eyes.  I love her sense of exploration and curiosity.  I love her courage to try new things.  I love how she closes any door she sees open and then gets confused why it won't open again.  I love how she says "mmmmmama!"  I love how she nods her head to say yes whenever we ask her a question.  I love her own way of signing "all done" by simply waving her arms all around in front of her face as fast as she can.
Lucy Elizabeth Vance.  Happy 1st Birthday!  Lucy Lu, we love you!

Weight: 19lbs, 12oz (50%)
Height: 29.5 inches (60%)
Sleep: 2 short naps a day, in bed around 7pm, up around 5am with 1 feeding/cuddle session at night.
Food:  Still loves to nurse.  Favorite foods are bananas, yogurt, pumpkin, oatmeal, polenta with spinach, pasta, peas and blueberries.
Toys: Likes to carry around the alphabet magnets from the fridge, spoons from the silverware drawer, dolls, bouncing turtle, pretend food, and putting toys in and out of buckets over and over again.
Likes: sucking her thumb, holding my phone, Carter, Carter's toys, reading board books, chasing Yoshi around the house, climbing stairs, bath time.
Dislikes: the carseat, sitting still for diaper changes.
Nicknames: Lucy Lu, Baby girl, sweetheart, Luce.


interview with a 3 year old.

>> December 17, 2012

I thought it would be fun to ask Carter a list of questions each year and document how his answers change (thank you Pinterest for the idea).  So, here he 3 years old.
1. What is your favorite color?  Yellow
2. What is your favorite toy?  Pirate sword
3. What is your favorite fruit?  Watermelon (so weird because he hasn't had watermelon in months and is usually begging me for grapes or blueberries or bananas.  But, it's what he said!)
4. What is your favorite tv show?  Curious George
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Peanut butter and honey sandwich
6. What is your favorite outfit? My Curious George shirt
7. What is your favorite game? Chutes and Ladders
8. What is your favorite snack? Seaweed (yep, he loves it!)
9. What is your favorite animal?  Lion (again, strange because he's usually obsessed with monkeys)
10. What is your favorite song?  The ABC's
11. What is your favorite book?  Peter Pan
12. Who is your best friend?  Michael (neighbor boy) and Connor (babysitter's son)
13. What is your favorite cereal?  Wheat Chex
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Go on a nature walk
15. What is your favorite drink?  Milk and lemonade
16. What is your favorite holiday?  My birthday!
17. What do you like to sleep with at night?  My Buzz Lightyear doll
18. What is your favorite breakfast food?  A banana
19. What is your favorite thing for dinner?  Chicken
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?  Peter Pan (of course...)

And, thanks to Pinterest for another idea.  We've been full of Christmas crafts around here lately.  Here is my favorite one yet.


a december morning.

>> December 16, 2012

Lucy's finally starting to feel better after 5 days of a fever, runny nose, chest congestion and double ear infection (her first).  She's still on antibiotics and extra clingy but definitely starting to feel more like herself again; with lots of little giggles and big smiles!
This morning after putting most of her breakfast on her pants she wandered around the house with just her pajama shirt on.  Kinda dark and blurry, but still full of cuteness as she waddled around the living room.  

 The kids doing their best to give hugs, sit still, smile and look at the camera while sitting in front of the Christmas tree.  I'd say it turned out pretty well!
 So much wonder.  Luckily, she has been less interested in the tree than Carter ever was.  I hardly ever have to take pine needles or ornaments away from her.  And, we put the tree in our playroom so she's around it all the time!
 We then got dressed and headed out to visit some reindeer at Swanson's nursery.  Lucy continued her morning cuddle session.

 Carter was so excited to see real live reindeer!

 Then the kids went on a ride in the sleigh.  I asked Carter if he was going to visit Santa and he said, "Haha, no mom.  I'm going to Peter Pan's house."  Obviously.

 Her hat just cracks me up.

We ended with hot chocolate, coffee and a little snack before heading home.  Such a fun, random, family-filled morning.  


oh christmas tree....

>> December 6, 2012

We normally have Christmas decorations up right after Thanksgiving (or even before) but this year decided to wait until the day after Carter's party, to keep some of the excess clutter out of the house.  It was so hard to wait!  To get the Christmas season off right we headed down to Bellevue last weekend for Snowflake Lane.  We've never been but heard it's so fun and I totally agree. For anyone thinking of going....GO!  Fun dinner out, lots of Christmas lights and decorations, Christmas music, drummers, shopping, peppermint suckers and lots of Christmas joy (okay, that last one was a bit cheesy, but it's true).
Matt and Carter waiting for the show to start.  
 The girls. Somehow Lucy slept through the entire thing.  I was so worried it was too loud for her little ears but she didn't make a peep and slept the whole way home too!
 The next day we got up early to go find our Christmas tree.  Luckily the rain stopped but it was super muddy.  Naturally Carter loved it.  Matt and I wandered around seeking out the perfect tree while Carter stomped in puddles to keep himself entertained.
 They gave us a wagon to put the tree on so we wouldn't have to carry it back to the car.  Brilliant idea!

 Our tree!  After looking at this picture I realized our tree looks a little sad.  But, if you saw it in our house with all the lights and ornaments you would change your mind.  Well, that and we had been looking for about 40 minutes and were tired and hungry and wanted to go home.  This was the next tree we saw and agreed it would work just fine.

 Matt had a helper this year.

 While Matt tied it to the car the kids and I sat by the fire and had a snack.

 One very happy boy getting to help put on the star.

And luckily the kids have both been great with the tree this year.  I only have 3 broken ornaments so far (but totally fixable) and it hasn't fallen over yet.  I'd say that's a success!  Merry Christmas.