one summer day.

>> July 31, 2011

Summer, it seems, has finally arrived! Just in time for a perfect family day. With Matt's climbing adventure over and nothing else on our calendar, we finally had a free day to just relax (of course, we still fit in organizing the shed, cleaning the bathrooms, dusting, laundry and getting the dog groomed!). But, for most of the day it was just us. No interruptions; just us, sun and laughter. Such a fun day.
It started with cutting the grass. I think every day starts like this though! Then it was time to practice our golf game.

And finally, a pool party! We hadn't pulled out the pool since last year (the weather hasn't given us many good opportunities) and we quickly realized Carter had outgrown his tiny little baby pool. Oh well, he still loved it!Of course, he didn't care about any of the toys...just the bucket. So he poured water on top of himself over and over and over again.

All of that swimming tired him out. Popsicle time!

After several outfit changes, a walk to the grocery store and a good nap, it was time to play in a box.

A very good summer day.


Mt. Baker

>> July 28, 2011

Matt and his friend Jake came up with this crazy idea to climb Mt. Baker for their 30th birthdays. My first reaction was disbelief and a little bit of laughing. I honestly thought Matt was crazy. But, after 2 long months of intense training, countless hours at the gym, watching everything he ate and many long weekend hikes to prepare, he celebrated his success at the summit of Mt. Baker last weekend!

Matt, Jake, Brandon, Ryan and Neil left around noon to hike up to base camp. They hung out, set up camp (which was just on a very hard looking rock) and went to bed around 8pm on Saturday night. At 1am (after setting 3 alarms) they woke up to prepare to climb the summit. With headlamps on, they left for a 12+ hour, cold, long, steep climb. And they made it! Matt said it was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining and you could see Whistler in one direction and Mt. Rainier in the other. They spent about 45 minutes at the top before making their descent down (the scary part, apparently). And after 2 very long days, Matt returned home and took a nice, long bubble bath.
I am so proud of this huge accomplishment for him. What an incredible way to enter into your 30s!!!
(these are just a couple of the 300 pictures taken. There are many many more - with lots of fun stories to explain them all from matt!)


sugar and spice and everything nice.

>> July 26, 2011

Today we had our 20 week ultrasound for baby #2. When I was pregnant with Carter, I had no doubt he was a boy. But, this baby I wasn't too sure. I ended up thinking boy because the pregnancies have been so similiar - no nausea or vomiting, feeling great and having the exact same cravings!
So, it came as quite a surprise when we found out our little GIRL will be arriving in December. I cried, Matt grinned from ear to ear and we are both already so in love. It'll be a whole new world with a girl. I have learned to love fire trucks, loud animal sounds, choo choo trains and dirt but will now experience tutus, pigtails and tea parties! Oh my goodness, what an adventure we have waiting for us! Our little girl was quite stubborn during the ultrasound. We are hoping this isn't a reflection of her personality! She just wanted to sit very, very low and although she'd move quite a bit, it was never in the direction she needed to go for some good pictures!
Waving hi to mom and dad!

Cute little hand.
And adorable toes!

And proof she's a girl!!!

Welcome baby girl vance!!! We love you!


another random post.

>> July 24, 2011

This post is a bit random, as is a theme for this blog. Basically, nothing overly exciting happened this past week but somehow I came up with a few pictures that made me smile.
Carter is still loving his zookeeper hat. Wearing it as much as he can! Mama and Carter.

Daddy and Carter.
Playing blocks.
We went to a barbeque last night at a friends house. There were about 5 other kids Carter's age, but all girls. And, there was a pool. Being the boy he is, Carter wasted no time jumping in (fully clothed), splashing around and scaring all the little girls out of the pool. Luckily, everyone else laughed too and we got to learn a lesson about splashing and apologizing after he dried off!

This morning Carter grabbed the camera out of my hand and took his first self-portrait! Yes, it's a little close (we'll have to work on the zoom option) but still, he's one proud boy.

Matt is still up at Mt. Baker today so Carter and I went for an early walk to the store for milk and the Sunday paper. Then we took turns picking out what we wanted to buy from the ads.
I love that he is tossing away the JoAnn Fabrics coupons to read more about Best Buy. Typical boy.


rainboots and the zoo.

>> July 17, 2011

(this post is a bit scattered. Ignore this picture until you read about our day at the'll make a lot more sense!)

Let's be honest. For those of us living in Western Washington, this summer has been awful. One nice day and then 5 rainy, cold, dreary days. As I post this blog it's currently 60 degrees and pouring down the middle of July! Needless to say, Carter is a little confused when it comes to getting dressed in the morning. Luckily, his rainboots still fit since he will happily splash in any puddle he sees! Matt is turning the big 3-0 this week. We already went to Hawaii (thanks Vance's!) in May for an early celebration, but wanted to continue celebrating this weekend. Luckily, the crummy weather held out long enough for us to go to the zoo. We both haven't been to Pt. Defiance Zoo in years. It was a super fun day!
Right when we arrived this beautiful peacock greeted us. Carter loved seeing the animals but could have probably stayed in the Kids Fun Zone all day long. Slides, a spray park, jungle gym and lots of space to run around and get out all that energy!

Climbing the spiders' web. There was a small petting zoo area to feed the goats. We were both a little hesitant at first (notice me keeping his fingers as far away as possible from the hungry goat!) Then we both warmed up to the idea. And, he loved it! So did the goats. They were crazy for that food!Matt's parents and brother joined us for the day. I didn't really take any other pictures of animals partly because I think we've all seen a monkey and tiger in our life and there isn't really a need for me to post a picture of one on this blog.

Grandpa Vance and Carter enjoying the penguins. We couldn't end the day without buying something at the gift shop. Carter's first zookeeper hat. I think I have a great idea for a halloween costume!Our attempt at a family picture. We were all a bit tired and hungry at this point so someone wasn't too interested in capturing a family memory. Oh well. (see first picture - for some reason I couldn't for the life of me get that darn picture to move down here!)

We ended the day with dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory, my favorite restaurant! Matt is such a great husband he let me decide where to go for his birthday dinner! Delicious food, good family and a big birthday surprise. Of course I forgot to take a picture but I surprised Matt with a flight & tickets to go see the Seahawks play the Cowboys at their new stadium in Dallas in Novemer. He is so excited! And I was even more excited for keeping it a secret for so long...I'm horrible with secrets!

Grandpa and Grandma walking to dinner. Patiently waiting for our table. Such a fun day. Happy (early) 30th Birthday Matt!!!


what we've been up to.

>> July 10, 2011

This summer has been so busy but I always forget to take pictures of the big events. It's usually the random playtime at home that reminds me to get out the camera. So, here is a bit of a random post, but some fun pictures!
Me at 16 weeks. I'm almost 18 weeks (and getting bigger by the day!). We find out in 2 weeks if its a boy or a girl. Any guesses??? We went to our friends Sherman & Holly's wedding last night. Of course I forgot to take a picture of the beautiful bride (too busy chasing around a toddler and bribing him, I mean, keeping him quiet during the ceremony). But a halfway decent picture of us, minus Carter eyeing the gift table.

Playing with just about every toy at once.

Getting ready to cook up something yummy (and apparently do some math at the same time - not sure why a graphing calculator is with the pots and pans?)

Play time at the tot lot.