the end of summer!

>> August 26, 2015

Another week has somehow flown by and I find myself realizing summer is quickly coming to an end. September is almost here, the weather is slowly changing (thank goodness!), back to school shopping has been done and I'm getting ready to pull out my yummy fall dinner ideas. It's been a crazy, good, busy, stressful, fun and memorable summer!
Simon is getting more personality each and every day. He's starting to coo and "talk" to the kids, smile all the time and stick out that little tongue. I'm biased but it really is the cutest.
 We are still endlessly working on a long list of projects for the house. The whole family tackled the backyard last weekend. The kids loved getting their hands dirty and helping and actually did a great job picking up mounds of dirt and debris. It's not even close to be finished but we had to start somewhere.

 And, of course they earned their wages in popsicles!
 Because Simon is our last baby I think I'm going to soak in every little baby cuddle while I can. If that means him napping on me after dinner that's fine by me!
 Carter got to attend a track and field camp last week. For months he's been asking to race other kids and learn more about track so we found a great, local camp that seemed to be the right fit. It was for 6-12 year olds so he was definitely the youngest but ended up being one of the fastest too! It was a great way for him to burn off some energy (running 3 hours every morning!) and gave me a glimpse into my future food bill when he came home and ate the entire pantry each day after camp.

 He's in the yellowish green shirt in the middle. The kids in front of him were 8-10 year olds. I just love the look on his much determination and focus. He did such a great job listening to his coaches despite there being quite a few distractions from other kids.
 Lucy and Simon were such good siblings and hung out quite a few mornings to watch him run. Simon loved lounging in my lap while we sat in the grass. It's so fun having a summer baby this time! No need to bundle him up in blankets or worry if he's too cold. Plus, tiny baby shorts really are the cutest.
He also learned how to hold a rattle last week and now won't ever let go! He'll shake that thing around for 10 minutes or so, sometimes hitting himself in the face. 
And now the kids love to "play" with him, pull out the baby toys and entertain each other while I get a few things done. They are the best helpers and I truly couldn't get through each day without their help.
 We drove up to Bellingham last weekend for a nursing school reunion. It's been 10 years since I started nursing school so my class got together to catch up. I made so many wonderful friends in school and even though we've kept in touch via Facebook it was so fun to see them and their kids. Of course I didn't take a single picture during the reunion or during our fun lunch with other great friends but I did manage to remember while we were eating ice cream at our all time favorite ice cream shop - Mallards! They have the  most unique, delicious flavors and of course both kids chose vanilla. Ha!
 2 months old!

 We got haircuts for both kids yesterday in preparation for the first day of school next week. Carter looks about 8 years old when his hair is short! I've been doing so well as we get ready for school to start. I think staying busy with a new baby and new house has kept my emotions in check. But then last night we went to his elementary school for a play date with some of the kids in his class. As we were walking to the playground we peeked in the window of his classroom and seeing all the little desks just got me teary eyed. It's really happening. He is so excited and ready but I will miss him every day and just pray he will be loved by others, make new friends, enjoy learning and always come home to tell me all about it. week will be memorable. Luckily Lucy doesn't start preschool for another 3 weeks so I have more time to prepare for that day too!



>> August 15, 2015

Last weekend I got to take a break from the craziness of moving and unpacking to get on a plane, fly across the country and celebrate one very special man. My grandpa, Phil Rheberg turned 100 years old! Because our whole family just visited last October, we couldn't afford to all fly out there again so we decided I would use some airline miles and fly with Simon so he could be there to meet his great grandpa. It was the first time I've flown by myself (well, sort of by myself) in about 10 years and the longest I've ever been away from the big kids. 4 days away was a fun little adventure and just enough time to visit extended family while Matt held down the fort at home.
Simon was a dream baby on the trip. Of course I got the usual "oh shoot, you have a baby and are sitting next to me" looks from people on the plane but Simon slept the ENTIRE time! He never once made a fuss and I only had to get up twice for a diaper change. What is it with planes that makes babies want to have blow outs all the time?!? I couldn't have asked for a better flight.
 My brother and sister-in-law also flew in for the birthday party. Aunt Joy is so great with the kids. I'm not sure who liked the snuggles more, Simon or Joy?!
 The day after I flew in we went to visit my Grandpa at his assisted living facility. He was looking so healthy, so strong and so alert. We sat for a few hours listening to him tell us stories from his childhood, how he met my grandma and how he's liking life in his new facility. He also got to meet Simon for the first time. Simon's middle name is named after my grandpa so it was extra special. I let him hold Simon and he snuggled right into his arms before taking an hour long nap. It was the cutest thing ever. My grandpa was so proud of his 7th great grandchild and all the nurses and other residents  came over to take a look. He even got a nurse in trouble for refusing to take a bathroom break while Simon slept. There was NO way he was going to let that baby out of his arms to use the bathroom. Ha!

 Hands that have done so much in 100 years and little fingers that are just discovering this world. Amazing.

After our visit I started to suddenly not feel good. At all. Aches, chills, nausea and a horrible fever. We ended up at a local walk in clinic so I could get antibiotics for mastitis. My temp. was 103 and I just felt awful. It put a big damper in the weekend plans since I had no energy to do anything. Not at all what I wanted for my weekend away. I tried to make the best of it and luckily the next day the fever was down a little bit so I could enjoy the party.

 The following day was the big party. It started with the weekly coffee hour where all the residents at my parents neighborhood have a donut and coffee social hour. Grandpa was the star of the hour, got to pray, eat first and then we sang Happy Birthday. All of my extended family was there to. My cousin Brandi, who I hadn't seen in 10 years since my grandpa's 90th birthday, was there with her 2 cute kids.
3 of the 7 great grandchildren with Great Grandpa Philip.
 The birthday boy with his youngest great grandchild. Simon was a little worn out from all the celebrations.  :)
 The party turned out great! After coffee hour we spent about 2 hours setting up the tables and decorations before the guests arrived. It was so festive and my grandpa loved it! I had these centerpieces made with facts about life 100 years ago. Everyone loved reading a little more about 1915 and what my grandpa experienced as a kid. There were lots of balloons, confetti and tons of cards for my grandpa to read!

 One of the two huge cakes! We had lots of leftover food but hardly any leftover cake! Clearly, people like their birthday cakes.

 My 2 cousins Brandi and David. David was a big help by giving me a break so I could help with the decorations. He isn't planning on having kids but is so good with his nieces and nephews!

 4 of the 5 grandkids with Grandpa Phil.
 My parents worked SO hard on this party. They both planned all the food, a lot of the decor, invitations, guest list and more. It was perfect for my grandpa and we all had a great time. Plus they got to have some one-on-one time with Simon without Carter and Lucy running around the house. It was a great visit and a fun weekend, despite me feeling sick most of the time.
And me getting ready for my flight home. A sleepy babe, my favorite green smoothie and the best Solly wrap to help me carry Simon and have 2 hands free for all my luggage. He did great on the flight home too! Guess that means it's time to plan our next trip!


summer continued.

This summer is just flying by. I often reflect back on the week and think it was a bit boring or feel we didn't do much and then I have to remember that we have done a TON this summer. It's just not our typical summer stuff that I usually think of. Usually our summer days consist of sprinklers, backyard swimming pools, trips to the beach, weekends at the beach house and lots of after dinner walks around the neighborhood. 
This year it's been having a baby, managing 3 kids, somehow getting a somewhat nutritious dinner on the table around dinner time, remembering to bathe 3 kids at least once a week (does a sprinkler count?), trying to unpack a house, discovering endless projects that still need to be completed on said house and finding about 3.5 hours to sleep each night. Whew! 
Friends tell me that life will settle down a bit and I'm just praying it'll happen sooner rather than later. I think we will finally begin to find our groove right before I have to go back to work and the kids start school and then a new routine will start all over again. 
Luckily, the kids have been troopers and are still having a memorable summer just discovering their new house, new rooms and new backyard. 
In the meantime, here are a few pics from the past few weeks.
 Simon just keeps on growing. And growing. And growing! He's now wearing 6 month clothes (at 2 months old), starting to enjoy tummy time, cooing, smiling, loves napping in the swing and adores watching his big brother and sister throughout the day.
 The big kids both had dentist appointments a few weeks ago and were amazing! They love visiting the dentist because they get to watch movies, pick out a new toothbrush, get stickers and a prize at the end. And, no cavities!

 Carter continues to amaze me lately. He has suddenly matured so much and is such a responsible little kid. I can trust him to help watch Simon if I have to go to the bathroom or fix dinner. He reads to him, sings to him and makes sure he's happy. I'm so proud of how he's handled all these changes and it just reminds me of what an awesome kid he is.
 His little smirk as he worked on learning how to smile.
 I always have 2 excited helpers when it comes to bath time!
 Simon at 6 weeks old.
 And then the smiles began!
 Tummy time is more fun when you have a brother around.

 First time in the bumbo seat! He wasn't so sure at first but then sort of got the hang of it and liked the 2 minutes he stayed there. I've tried a couple more times since then but he's not a huge fan quite yet. He'd much rather just be held in your arms!

 Lucy is becoming quite the middle child. Her personality is getting stronger, like she wants to be sure she's seen and heard. Lately it's her fashion sense. Hello Kitty snow boots on an 85 degree day. Or a Christmas beanie with a summer dress. Or a princess dress all day long. Love this girl.
 Carter was gifted this adorable baby robe and slippers when he was born and I pulled it out the other day for Simon after a bath. Simon's feet are so dang big that I had to squeeze his little toes into the slippers for a photo op.
And here's a side by side of both boys in the same outfit, both at 7 weeks old!
 Those dimples are just the cutest thing and I love how he always keeps his hands in tiny little fists.
 I've had a few struggles this time with breastfeeding. It seems like every possible issue that could occur seems to be happening and I'm just determined to not let it slow me down. I've now had 2 rounds of mastitis and 1 awful round of thrush, almost back to back. With the pain and discomfort from thrush and the fact I'm going back to work part-time in about 4 weeks we thought now was the perfect time to introduce a bottle of pumped milk. And he did great (thank goodness!).
 Even the kids have had a chance to help.
 Such a happy baby. This is sort of his new routine right now. Take long, long naps, wake to eat, smile and play and then repeat. Not a bad life.
 Squeezing in a little tummy time every now and then.
 His official 2 month picture. Those dimples!
 The 2015 Seahawks season officially started last night with the first preseason game. We celebrated Blue Friday with all our Seahawks gear and then Carter got to go to his first game with Matt.
 Carter had so much fun! He got to eat stadium food, cheer, on the Hawks find his best friend who was also at the game and stay up super late. He said it was the best thing ever, even better than when he went to DisneyWorld last year! Haha!!! I'm so glad he gets to have these special memories with his Daddy, things both of them will remember forever.