one big photo dump.

>> February 24, 2015

In an effort to update the blog, get pictures off my phone and not spend all afternoon writing post after post, here is an extra big photo dump from the last few weeks of our lives. In no particular order....
Game night - the kids got a few new games for Christmas and have been so excited to have family game night (or morning or afternoon). A few Friday's ago we decided to pop some popcorn and play Trouble, Candyland and Hi Ho Cheerio. It's so fun now that they have a longer attention span and understand the "real" rules of the games.
 Lucy and I sportin' our Seahawks gear before the NFC Championship game...go hawks!
 I had a special date day with Carter a few weeks ago. He is so good about recognizing when he needs a little one-on-one time and isn't afraid to ask for it. So, his request was to go to Costco for a hot dog lunch. Simple kid. Plus, I got to do a needed Costco run while we were there!
 Lucy is big into having her nails painted lately. And, she's getting better about sitting still for 10 minutes after they are painted to wait for them to dry (most of the time). One night she wanted to paint mine for me...not bad!
 When Carter is at preschool we get to have all sorts of fun going to bookstores, Target, parks, and snacks at the local grocery store. Berries were a hit this day!
 Later that morning we walked to the pet store nearby to see all the animals. This one is so great because they have a doggy daycare on site that you can just watch. I think we stood here for 25 minutes just watching, waving and "playing" with the dogs.
 About 4 months ago Matt and I bought tickets for the kids to see Disney Live "Pirates and Princesses." We knew it would be on the same day as the NFC Championship game but at the time the Seahawks weren't doing so well and thought we'd be safe to not have double plans that day. Four months later we were wrong! Matt ended up at the game and his great mom came with me and the kids for an afternoon of Disney. It was so fun to see the kids get excited over their favorite characters. And lucky for us, the show ended just in time for us to get home and see the last 2 minutes of the greatest game ever.  Win win!
 On MLK Jr. day we took the kids over to Mukilteo beach to play in the rocks and explore for a while. Carter was in heaven searching for crabs and other little critters while Lucy just cuddled up in my arms with a blanket to enjoy the view.
 Had to run to Babie's R Us one day and while we were there she spotted this room design. And didn't want to leave! It's a little too much pink, even for me. Sorry Lucy....not a chance.
 Dress up one day.
 And another princess dress.
 We officially registered Carter for kindergarten in January. How did my baby get to be so old?!? He is so excited and as sad as it is to see him grow up, I'm so excited for his next new adventure.
 Lucy is right in the middle of gymnastic lessons right now and loving every second of it. She is the cutest little gymnast and is so good about listening, following directions and taking turns.
 Practicing her forward roll.
 Me with a pic of baby #3!
 Superbowl 49 (before the incredibly sad loss at the end)
 We have had the most mild winter this year. I'm a little sad the kids never got to see snow or really even wear their winter coats but the extra sun and Vitamin D have been so nice! We love spending our days outside when we can!
 Another gymnastic lesson.
 His huge haul of goodies from his preschool Valentine's Day Party. And 2 weeks later we still have everything (minus the candy, of course) and he's made it known we will never be throwing the valentines cards away.  Hmmm....
 Our delicious cookies we made for all the neighbors and hand delivered. Love our little tradition!
 The morning of Valentine's Day Carter told Matt he wanted to get up early and go right to the store to buy me the freshest flowers they had. It was so cute to see how excited he was when they got home.
 Our heart shaped pancakes for breakfast, yum!
 We spent Valentine's Day in the city, going to the museum and running around the fountain. Such a fun, simple day as a family.
And that's it...the beginning of 2015 in pictures!



>> February 3, 2015

Last Friday we had our 20 week ultrasound for our 3rd little peanut. It is always to amazing to see how far a baby can develop in such a short amount of time. And even though I can feel kicks and squirms throughout the day and night I love watching exactly how the baby is moving. Our baby was plenty active, mostly moving its arms to block every good shot of the face. This was the first time we were able to see a 3D image and it was absolutely beautiful. 
We decided early on in this pregnancy that we were going to keep the gender a surprise until I deliver. Since we already have so much for a boy or girl we thought this would add a little more fun to the big day. I was surprised that I didn't actually give in though, once we were in the room! The ultrasound tech had to look to be sure development was right on track so we turned our heads and closed our eyes. But, nothing was written in my medical chart so even my midwives won't have a clue until delivery. I am so excited!
Our baby is weighing exactly 1 lb. (about 6 oz. above average at this gestational age) and measuring long in the arms and legs (another tall baby!). 
Just for fun, here are Carter and Lucy's ultrasound pictures. And at the bottom is baby #3. Any guesses on gender??? I'm noticing the lips on baby #3 match Carters, but the forehead match Lucy's. Hmm.....

Sorry for the horrible picture's a picture of a picture. But, still a beautiful baby!