before and after

>> August 22, 2009

It's been a busy summer as we are trying to get everything ready for the baby. Who would have thought a simple pregnancy would be such a motivating factor to start 1,000 house projects! Since we moved into this house, I have absolutely hated our fireplace. It's a 6 foot long red brick monster with a shiny brass door that is the focal point of our living room right when you walk in the house. Well, we finally decided to tackle the beast and think it turned out pretty great. We still don't have our final mantle in place (saving more money for that since baby stuff is turning out to be quite expensive!), so we painted it white in the mean time. Here's the before picture (without the brass door - I couldn't even stand to look at it in a picture!).And here's the after!We also decided to get new carpet in the baby's room. The rest of our house is hardwood, but the baby's room had this old, dirty berber carpet from an old daycare. Needless to say, the germaphobe nurse came out in me and I couldn't imagine the baby crawling around on that. It's so soft and clean and just perfect!

It's hard to see, but the before carpet (we still have some in the bathroom...eww, I know - it's getting replaced too) is on the left and the new stuff is on the right side of the pic.
Baby V is growing and kicking like crazy these days. I can't believe I'm already 25 weeks! Here's a pic from last week.


Pancake-Boal Wedding

>> August 2, 2009

One of my very bestest friends got married this weekend and it was such a beautiful wedding. Besides Katy looking as gorgeous as ever, the ceremony was so intimate and thoughtful. They got married in a historic hotel that had been converted to an art gallery. Each aspect of their wedding represented the best of them and I loved every minute of it. Here are a few pics from the fun night:

Katy walking down the aisle.
Me and the beautiful bride.
Andrea, Me and Heather

Old college roomates (plus Andrea!). There were about 5 different cameras going off for 2 minutes so no one really knew where to look!
Katy and Brad cutting their cake (seriously, the yummiest cake ever!)