Before & After

>> March 10, 2009

In an attempt to start a huge remodel in our kitchen, we started with appliances. Our fridge was starting to make strange noises in the middle of the night so we decided it was time for an upgrade.


Believe it or not, we bought the house without a dishwasher. Crazy, I know. The in-laws came up last weekend to help rip out cabinets and get electrical hooked-up. So...March 19th is the big delivery day and if all goes well, by April 1st, we'll have a running dishwasher to match the new fridge!

Besides the appliances needing an upgrade, we decided it was time for my car to do the same. My car was actually a hand-me-down from my parents when I was in college. It's been a great car, but after 2 accidents (both were not my fault!), electrical issues and an unreliable heater, it was getting a little annoying; especially since I drive for most of my job. Car shopping was one of the most exhausting experiences I've ever had. After the inital test drive, counter offers, missing lunch, more counter offers, and meeting with the financial guy it took us over 5 hours just to drive home with the new car. It was well worth the wait, though...we love our new Honda Pilot.


As one last side note, I just need to vent. I HATE THE SNOW! Don't get me wrong, A nice, pretty snow fall once or twice a year is pretty, but in March? No. It's cold. I don't like being cold. I'm ready for spring. That's all...just had to get that out.