movin' on up.

>> June 22, 2018

And that's a wrap. Kindergarten and 2nd grade are done, schools out for the summer and we are feeling so many emotions! This week has been exhausting for us all, mostly because it was such a fantastic school year and all of us have such bittersweet feelings about it ending. Summer is my favorite season, by far, but the transitions can be hard. Both kids had incredible teachers, two that will easily influence them moving forward. They encouraged them, challenged them and inspired them. They were the best fit for both the kids and we couldn't have had a better year. 
But, it's time to celebrate summer and start checking things off our bucket list!
First....let's see how they've grown.

 I think I have the tallest kids on the planet. And they just won't stop growing!
Meanwhile, this adorable 3 year old is keeping me on my toes. While Carter and Lucy had a million different school celebrations this past week I think he felt left out. Which meant tantrums any chance he could to get more attention. Whew. Patience, patience, patience.
We celebrated Lucy with a kindergarten celebration complete with a First Grade song, slide show and certificates. So cute.

 We ate dinner outside as the summer weather warmed up, finished off the last of the birthday cake and pulled out the pool.

 We started t-ball! Woohoo! Easily the best day of his life.

 We celebrated a half birthday. These are a big deal around here when you have a December birthday. 6.5 is SO much older than 6, according to Lucy.
 We finished off the last day of school with a bubble tunnel for all the kindergartners, lots of hugs, tears and goodbyes.

We went to a pool party with some of our favorite friends, came home and finished the night with pizza and a movie. Not a bad way to welcome in summer! My hope is to make some incredible memories these next 2 months before my 1st and 3rd grader head back to school. Here we go!


a day for Matt.

>> June 18, 2018

Every year Matt requests to do nothing on Fathers Day. He's not much into holidays but luckily I make up for the both of us in my excitement to celebrate. Besides, he's worthy of celebration. He is an incredible dad and our kids are the luckiest to have him. He works so hard day and night, brings in the silliness that I'm usually lacking, teaches, encourages, supports and loves so, so much. 
So, after all the homemade cards were read, school presents were opened and hugs were given we settled down for a delicious breakfast of homemade banana pancakes  - his choice! 
 Then he wanted to do yard work! While he weeded, trimmed trees and mowed the lawn I played with these three and all of Simon's new birthday presents.
 Summer weather finally arrived and it was HOT! We pulled out the pool and kids were screaming, giggling and splashing most of the afternoon.

 Then it was off to the baseball stadium. I asked the kids a few weeks ago what they wanted to do with Matt and all 3 of them begged to see a game with him. We love having a minor league team nearby. Free parking, cheaper tickets, great seats and lots of kid friendly activities. It was still super hot and while the kids wanted to stay the entire game to run the bases afterwards we were just melting in the heat and stayed until the 7th inning.

 Simon literally sat on the edge of his seat the entire time watching each and every play. He is so in to baseball it's hilarious. And impressive. And adorable. Tball is 1 day away and he is beyond excited!

 A great little family day was just what we needed. Happy Father's Day to my best friend.


party at the park.

>> June 17, 2018

Yesterday we got to celebrate our favorite 3 year old and it was the perfect party. After having 2 December babies I am loving this summer birthday to have more options for parties outside. The weather is still a bit unpredictable this time of year but we couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Temps in the mid 70s, a park full of sun and shade and lots of friends to run and play with. 

 Even better - I hardly had to do anything to prepare! Costco provided all the food, cake and drinks, the kids ran and played and us parents chatted. Easy!

 Carter was so helpful in setting everything up with me. The park had 3 or 4 other parties going on at the same time but he grabbed the last 2 picnic tables in the shade and set up the food. Love him and his willingness to help me.

 So many special friends and family came to celebrate. We truly love these people and their friendships.

 The big kids had fun too!

 A chocolate sports cake...his absolute favorite!

 These mom friends of mine are incredible. They just jumped right in to help when I needed it and really love our kids. I am so, so grateful for them.

 Fun gifts, great friends, good food, and a perfect 3rd birthday. Happiest Birthday Simon!!