Easter 2011.

>> April 26, 2011

We had an extremely busy, but very festive Easter weekend. It started with sunshine (finally) and a great visit from my parents. We then headed out to Carter's first Easter egg hunt! He had a hard time waiting patiently for them to start, but once they yelled go, he was off! Finding his first egg and being perfectly content with just one.

After some encouragment he decided he wanted a few more.He just looked so grown up walking around with his basket! And, since he's not a fan of sweets, I got to enjoy the goodies in each egg! We then headed back home so Carter could open up his Easter baskets from Grandma & Grandpa Longhurst and Uncle Matt & Aunt Joy.
Like a typical boy, he quickly threw all the clothes out of the bag and onto the floor to keep searching for the books.
Our little bookworm!

We then attempted coloring eggs. This lasted about 5 minutes since Carter was mostly interested in dunking the egg in the dye to then lick it off. Luckily I added lemon juice and water instead of vinegar so it tasted pretty good!

Then we all took a long nap!

Sunday morning we woke up and let Carter open up his Easter basket from us. I don't want to make all the gifts too big of a deal so we just got a few new books, bubbles and a new plate (of course I'm practical!)

I loved the look on his face when he saw the bubbles...so funny!

So grown up!

Giving Grandma kisses.

Grandma & Grandpa.

Best family shot we could get. At least we are all looking at the camera!

Carter is still having a hard time in our church nursery so I got to play with him during the service while my parents and Matt enjoyed the sermon. Hopefully someday soon I can actually sit through a full service!

Happy Easter!!



I recently found a new recipe for whole wheat banana pancakes with a berry puree. I think he liked them.


life with a toddler.

>> April 14, 2011

Busy. That's the best way to describe us right now. Seems like Carter is doing something new everyday! It's amazing and fun and scary to see how quickly he is becoming a little person with a mind of his own. Sure, with that comes tantrums, melt downs and time-outs, but most of the time it's a fun adventure with lots of giggles, squeals and jibber-jabber talk. I'm loving this stage. One of Carter's favorite things to do is vacuum. He'll watch me and then take his toy vacuum and re-clean the entire house. And I mean every room, every corner and under every bed. It's so funny. Now, he thinks anything can be a vacuum....like the colander? Lots of playing with Yoshi. Yoshi is so good with our crazy boy, always letting him hug and pull hair knowing he'll get some food a few hours later off the high chair!

Carter is becoming much more independent. Loves playing...I mean dumping blocks on the floor and "building" towers.
We practice putting toys away each night before bedtime. For some reason, he thought he had to sit with his toys and be "put away" too!
Swimming lessons started up again. He is the oldest and craziest kid in his class. Lucky us.
Although he is definitely not afraid of the water, it's actually hard to keep him out of it!
But every once in a while he gets distracted by the other moms waiting on the side and begins to flirt. This happened about every 2 minutes at his last lesson.
Carter has figured out his high chair is too restraining and he wants to sit at the big boy table. Crossing my fingers the booster seat is shipped soon....he has a little too much freedom with just the chair.
And one of his new favorite things is not wearing any pants. He loves it. And, apparently he wants to show the neighborhood too.
No picture yet, but the biggest news of all. Carter peed in his potty for the first time this week and has continued to do so every night before bed! We are so proud of him and can't wait to continue this new journey into becoming a big boy! It's a good thing too...he's already in size 6 diapers at 16 months old and we're running out of options for what comes next!


uncle adam's birthday

We went down to Seattle last weekend to celebrate Adam's birthday. Breakfast was delicious, but the fun part was really running around Seattle Center. Carter had been sitting in the car for a while and then more sitting at the restaurant so he was ready to get moving. And, that's all he did for about a hour! He loved running around with Adam and Grandpa and watching the fountain blow water. He loved seeing Grandma too!

Ready to explore.Going down to the water with Grandpa (luckily no one got wet!)

Walking with Daddy. I can't believe how tall Carter is now! Seriously, at only 16 months!

1st Space needle picture!
We ended the day with some yummy cotton candy for the car ride home (too bad Carter slept the whole time he never got to enjoy it!). Thanks for having a birthday Adam!