Happy Baby

>> January 27, 2010

As Carter is continuing to grow, I just love watching him develop his own little personality. Each day is different and new. He has started to smile much more often and not just when he has gas, but when he is truly happy!As I spend each day with him, I am reminded by how quickly my maternity leave is passing by. I am dreading going back to work. I love my job, I love what I do, but I can't stand the thought of missing each little smile. Somehow, I know I'll make it work, thousands of working moms do. In the meantime, I will savor each little smile, coo, burp, giggle and cry.


It's official

>> January 21, 2010

I've officially turned into one of "those" moms. You know, the ones who brag about their kids and swear they are the cutest ever (well, he is...). You know, ones who enter their kids into cute baby photo contests. Yep, I'm that mom! Well, I entered one of Carter's pictures into our local newspapers cute baby photo contest. Click on the link below to vote. You get one vote per day and if he wins, we get an awesome prize! Thanks everyone (all 3 of you who read this blog...haha).



A day in the life of Carter

>> January 18, 2010

Carter is now 6 weeks old and weighs a whopping 12 lbs, 11oz. He is smiling, rolling over and spitting up everywhere. Here are a few of his latest pics.

New Years Eve was spent on the couch, in our sweats, drinking sparkling cider and going to bed at 9:30m...it was wonderful!
Happy Baby! (yes, that shirt says, "lock up your daughters." He's cute, what can we say?

Carter loves New York (a tribute to our dear friend Tarin)Mom multi-tasking with Carter in the bjorn. I LOVE the bjorn!
His robot jammies.Sound asleep after a walk.Such a happy baby!!! I love this picture.Dad and Carter getting ready for a walk.Carter's 1 month birthday. I think he got a little tired of me taking pictures all day.
Carter all cozied up in his sleep gown. Matt hates these things...he said no son of his should ever wear a dress! (I still put them on at night and yes, Matt still complains!)


one month.

>> January 4, 2010

Carter is already 1 month old! This has been the most amazing, tiring, happiest, exhausting, joyous and stressful month of my life. I have loved every little moment. Watching Carter learn new things every day is so fun! He now weighs 11 lbs. 2 oz and is starting to outgrow his 3 month clothes! He rolled over from his stomach to back last week for the 1st time, is starting to smile and still gets the hiccups at least once a day. Here is an adorable picture that our wonderful friends took last week. (More to come along with a baby announcement soon!)