
>> December 29, 2015

 Having young kids around the holidays really is just the best. Their excitement over every little thing is contagious and Christmas was no exception. We stuck to our usual traditions for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, which turned out perfectly. Christmas Eve we always host my family for a lasagna dinner after coming home from church. This year's family service was pretty great too.  Lots of movement for the little ones, a puppet show and even a Children's Choir - that included 2 Vance kids who sang their little hearts out. We came home to open presents from Uncle Matt and Aunt Joy before eating dinner and getting ready for Santa.

 Trying to figure out if it's more fun to drum on the box with his hands or actually tear open the paper.
 It was a Star Wars Christmas for this boy....and he's loving all of it!
I'm just realizing now that I didn't get any pictures of my brother or sister-in-law with the kids. Oops! After dinner the kids got their elf pj's on (I can't wait to get matching jammies again next year!) and picked out cookies for Santa. Since they had already mailed their Santa letters earlier in the month we didn't have to write another letter (thank goodness) so it was pretty easy to get them tucked into bed. 
Around 5am the littlest elf woke up for some extra cuddles by the tree. He usually doesn't wake up that early, or if he does he'll go back to sleep for another hour but those darn teeth have been bugging him. I actually sort of loved spending a little quiet time with him, in front of the tree and gifts, preparing for the crazy day that was about to unfold. It was the first Christmas for a Vance baby that wasn't a newborn. He was awake, alert and active and I just loved it.
 At 6:30am the kids clocks changed, they snuck around the corner of the hallway and then ran downstairs! We always open stockings as a family before my parents come over a little later in the morning. It's so fun to watch their faces light up as they examine each and every gift.

 When Matt was little his parents had a tradition of including scratch tickets in their stockings. And the tradition has continued at our house. Last year we won nothing while the kids won about $6. But this year we won $10 at our house and another $21 later in the day! Woohoo!

Once my parents arrived we started opening all the big gifts. I tried to slow the kids down and have them "share in each other's excitement" (seriously, I said that phrase about a dozen times that day) but  they were just too excited. 

 This year Carter asked Santa for a bow and arrow set and a pogo stick. Seriously. I have no idea where he came up with the idea for a pogo stick but he's had that on his list for over 6 months. Thank Goodness Santa's elves were able to find one, it's not that easy!
 Lucy asked for Barbies and was SO excited to see 7 princess barbies arrive from the North Pole.

 Once the gifts were open we ate breakfast, watched our usual Curious George Christmas special and then got dressed to drive down to Grandpa and Grandma Vance's house. I especially loved Simon's cute!!
 Everyone dressed up on Christmas day!

 We got down to Matt's parents house, took some pictures and then dove into the third round of gifts!

 Lucy just adores her Uncle Adam. Actually that might be an understatement. She's obsessed! She wanted to sit with him, help him open gifts, have him build legos, read stories, play barbies...well, you get the idea.

 Her big gift from Grandma and Grandpa was a new doll house. I was holding Simon while he napped so I couldn't take a video but it was the greatest Christmas moment I'll always remember. Her jaw literally dropped wide open, completely speechless and then held her hands up to her mouth as she squealed. Priceless!

 One of my favorite parts of Christmas Day is the downtime after all the presents have been opened. We spent the afternoon cooking dinner, playing with new toys, watching movies, munching on cookies and just relaxing.

 We came home the next day to a house full of new toys, 3 excited kids and 2 very tired parents. They were quick to try out their new stuff.

This was a year of firsts for our family. First Christmas for Simon, first Christmas in our new house, first Christmas without our Yoshi. There were so many great memories this past month and I'm so incredibly grateful for this amazing family I have to share it with. 


preparing for Christmas (part 2)

Every year we love to bake Christmas cookies and this year was no exception. I decided I wanted to give some away to friends and neighbors so I went a little crazy and made 8 different kinds! Luckily I had a few helpers who didn't mind baking day after day after day.
 The kids have been asking to make jam thumbprint cookies for a long time. It was much easier than I thought and they did such a great job.

 Simon usually just laid around while we were in the kitchen....
 Another favorite tradition is building/decorating a gingerbread house. I just love the pre-built Costco ones so all we have to do is put on the icing and candy.
 Lucy didn't look too sure about Carter's placement of candy! Ha!
 Each year just gets better and better. A few years ago the candy would just be thrown on there, half eaten and super messy. Now, there really isn't any "theme" but the kids think long and hard about where and how they want to decorate each side.
 Best one yet!

 While Carter was at school one morning I had Lucy help me with another batch of cookies.
 And then we did another new event this year. Each year Santa seems to be a struggle. The kids look forward to visiting him but then get pretty nervous when it's actually time to talk to him and take a picture. The new McMenamins in town offered a breakfast with Santa where we could go, enjoy a breakfast buffet and then see Santa when we were done. It was the perfect fit for our kids! It reminded them a lot of the character dinner we did at Disney World last year when they got to eat and take pictures with Mickey and Minnie. I think having the time to see Santa and prepare for their turn made them less anxious since they decided when they wanted to have their turn. They all did amazing! Carter and Lucy told him what they wanted, Lucy just jumped right up on his lap and Simon just stared in amazement. Such a great morning and good food too!

We always love to drive around to look at Christmas lights each year but haven't found a great neighborhood nearby that has lots of lights. Luckily a local church puts on a great show. This year we got out of the car to watch the lights from the viewing area, which included hot cocoa, candy canes, a train and Santa. Kids loved it and I think it'll be yet another new tradition!
 And finally, our last cookie baking session. Our favorite sugar cookies we make every Christmas Eve. Matt makes such good cookies and he's mastered the perfect roll out. The kids love helping him, especially the decorating part!
 I made up a bunch of platters and on Christmas Eve morning our 2 little elves walked around the neighborhood delivering them to our favorite friends. It was such a fun little walk to wish those around us a very Merry Christmas!

 Next up....Christmas!