a day at the park.

>> April 28, 2012

We had the perfect little family day today.  It wasn't super sunny or warm but we decided to get out of the house anyways.  After an early morning grocery trip and short nap we headed down to Bellingham's 2nd Annual Rendezvous Day.  Matt read about it online and apparently they have lots of food vendors, music and some of the Tall Ships on display down by the bay.  Needless to say, I don't think we'll be attending the 3rd annual day next year!  There was 1 food vendor (the Kettle Korn stand) plus a vending machine (okay, so 2!), a radio station broadcasting live and 3 tall ships....which I have to admit were really cool.  Luckily, Carter was happy with a lap full of kettle corn.  
We then headed down to Marine Park.  Even though it was a gray day Carter spent over an hour throwing rocks in the water, chasing seagulls, eating more kettle corn and playing in the sand.  

 Matt tried to teach Carter how to skip rocks.
 Carter preferred to just throw them in and make a big splash.
 Lots of wandering around in the grass, back and forth, back and forth...
 Having a snack!
 Lucy slept the entire time.
 He hunted for seashells.  Matt had a great idea to take some home and get a box to start collecting them over the summer whenever we go to a beach.  Carter thought it was more fun to just throw it across the beach and lose it.  Oh well.
 He then saw some older girls playing on these concrete benches.  He wanted to be just like them and join in on the fun.
 This girl was so nice to help him jump over and over and over again!
 We ended the day at yet another park.
Such a great Saturday.



Going back to work has been a transition for all of us.  Carter has enjoyed his extra time playing with his friends, but definitely appreciates his "mama and daddy time" after work. Matt has learned to deal with washing a sink load of bottles every night after the kids go to sleep.  I have mastered the art of multi-tasking, organizing and meal planning to make each day as simple as possible.  And Lucy found her thumb.  
 As her new source of comfort, it's the one thing she can control.  When I went back to work she still wasn't drinking from a bottle very well.  Actually, she would hardly drink anything all day and just wait until I went and picked her up.  Luckily she wasn't fussy, but just hungry (poor girl).  We finally figured out that she will drink from a sippy cup so we are skipping bottles all together and moving into the "big girl" world of cups!  In the mean time, she enjoys her thumb when she is tired or wants that extra comfort that I just can't provide.
 The doctor said it's no big deal right now and we shouldn't try to discourage it.  And, I think its pretty darn cute.
 I also think its cute when she is so tired she passes out in her jumper, with her thumb in her mouth!
 In other big news, Lucy discovered her toes!
 Not quite in the mouth yet, but she's working on it.  If those cute chunky thighs weren't in the way she'd probably trade in her thumb for her toes.  


springtime fun.

>> April 23, 2012

We have had such amazing weather the past few weekends.  Anytime it's not raining we are outside at a park. But if the sun is shining, we spend the entire day at a park!  Carter adores being outside and we have learned it really helps him get out that excess energy to listen better, eat more and sleep soundly.  We headed to a park in Lynden last weekend that we hadn't been to before. 
It looks like Matt is about to drop him over the edge.  Don't worry, he didn't.  

 This picture cracks me up.  Carter looks like he owns the place and Matt looks like he lost Carter!
 Lucy's favorite place to nap.  Luckily, she gets to hang out in the Ergo about 2 hours a day! It's the only way I can keep up with Carter when we are out of the house.

 Besides park hopping we've been busy at home too.  This little girl decided to roll over!  One day from her tummy to back and the next day from her back to her tummy.
 Then, she turned 4 months old the next day. Her smile is my most favorite thing about her.  When she smiles her entire face lights up and makes me smile even bigger.  I'm totally biased but I think she is freaking adorable.
 She learned to love flying too.
 And, her jumper.  Carter used to go crazy in this thing.  She's much more content just playing with the toys and scoping out the room.
 We went to another park this weekend too.  Lucy played on the blanket and just relaxed in the sun while Carter ran around like a crazy toddler throwing sticks, picking grass and shoveling rocks.  Oh, how different they are!

 Matt spent a big part of the weekend cleaning up the yard.  I hate yard work.  More than anything. So the job gets put all on him.  I took the kids to the park to play while he worked and Yoshi chewed on sticks.
 Then we came home to relax in the backyard.

 At the end of the day we came inside and Lucy suddenly discovered her toes!
Hoping for another beautiful weekend.  After 4 months of a rainy, cold, dreary maternity leave I'm so incredibly happy for springtime in WA.


carter's words.

>> April 16, 2012

Anyone with kids knows that toddler's can be funny. Really funny. Especially when they are learning to talk. Carter has come up with some strange phrases in the past and the laughter has only continued as his vocabulary has expanded. Here are some of his latest phrases (mostly for my own enjoyment to not forget years down the road!):

Anytime he wants to eat (in his best Terminator voice): Eat.it.up.
At the park on a nature walk: Mama....big dick! (pointing at a stick)
Eating breaskfast this morning: Ooohhh....boobies! (blueberries in his muffin)
Asking for a smoothie: poonie peas, poonie! (smoothie, please...)
Muffins: muff muff

Love my little man.


back to work I go.

>> April 10, 2012

For the past 16 weeks I have been so incredibly blessed to stay home. These 16 weeks have been some of the happiest times in my life. Sure, there were hard days, challenging days, exhausting days, days I wanted to scream and pull my hair out, days I did scream, days where I never got to eat sitting down or even eat an actual meal, days I never peed alone, days filled with spit-up and poop, messes and tantrums.

But....there were also those days filled with smiles and laughter, kisses and cuddles, play dates and walks to the park. Days filled with baking, singing, coloring and racing cars across the living room floor. There were days spent at the children's museum, jump around fun zone and gymnastic lessons. Days eating special treats, buying special toys and watching special cartoons. There was a huge snowstorm, windstorm and lots of rain but we still had fun.
I learned a lot about myself as a mom, parent, woman, wife and friend. And I learned I want more of this. More time at home, more time with the kids, more time just having those ordinary days.
In 2 days I will return to work, probably cry and have some time adjusting. We have gotten into a pretty good routine around here (and if you know me, you know I love routines!). We'll have to find our new normal and each of us will adapt.
Carter will get more play time with his friends, Lucy will (hopefully) learn to drink from a bottle, I will spend my breaks pumping and Matt will support me when I am sad to leave for work. I'm grateful for a good job that I enjoy and grateful for how hard Matt has worked to allow me to stay home as long as I have. For now, I'll enjoy the memories from the last 4 months and smile when I see these pictures.

And now...I must go change a poopy diaper!


clothes are overrated.

Yesterday I was trying to get the kids ready to go play at the park but somehow they both ended up in just diapers. So we decided to have some nakey play time first!

I just love these two so much.

My new favorite picture.

It doesn't get much better than this!


pre-Easter fun.

>> April 9, 2012

We had such a fun-filled busy, busy weekend. Matt had to work all day on Saturday so the kids and I spent the day enjoying the first really sunny day in Bellingham. Bellingham winters are nice but when the sun comes out the town just comes alive. Everyone is outside and everyone is happy!

We started the morning out in Ferndale at the annual ICU Easter Egg hunt.
It's pure craziness. Basically I spent 20 minutes trying to entertain Carter while we waited for it to start and then 1.5 minutes frantically taking pictures while he grabbed every little egg in sight and then drove 15 minutes home. Super fun, but maybe we'll just do a big hunt in our own backyard next year.
Caught stealing an egg from a little girl. oops!
So many kids!
I love this picture. His face just lit up when he opened the egg and discovered candy inside.
We came home and he inspected each and every egg again.
Then it was nap time. On the floor.
Lucy has been a drooling machine lately. I'm thinking she has started the early stages of teething...uh oh.
After naps we headed over to the Farmer's Market (along with the rest of Bellingham!). We stopped to see Matt and then wandered around. Carter insisted on wearing his new hat and got many compliments!
We wrapped up the night with a birthday party for a 2 year old friend of ours. Carter was exhausted that night (well, we all were!) but loved every second of the sunny day!


Easter 2012.

Warning: A TON of super cute pictures of 2 adorable little kids celebrating a wonderful Easter.

After a very busy Saturday we spent Easter with just our little family enjoying some quality time together. Carter woke up extra early to cuddle with us in bed for awhile. Then, he realized the Easter bunny had left some extra eggs in the living room for him to find. He LOVED it. Well, he loved the ones with treats (trail mix...I know we're boring) inside.
Deciding it was better to just squat and eat right when you find it rather than saving the snack for later. I mean, 6:45am isn't too early for banana chips, right?
Found another one! Doesn't he look like a 5 year old in this picture? Such a tall boy.
The eating continued.
We had a special blueberry pancake breakfast together. Carter's 2 favorite things right now are blueberries and Mickey Mouse. Needless to say, he was happy when he saw what Matt created.
We got ready for church and attempted a few family shots. This was the best I could get.
He loves her so much and she, well....puts up with him.
Daddy/daughter love.
Happiest girl ever. Seriously, I don't ever have to take 25 pictures to get one with her smiling. She does this all the time!
After church (well, after Carter had a meltdown in the nursery 5 minutes after we arrived meaning Matt spent the entire service downstairs with him while I fed Lucy in the cry room and neither of us saw or heard the service) we came home to open Easter baskets.
Lucy liked hers too!

Then it was nap time. Matt cuddled with Lucy while Carter slept and I picked up the house.
Then, Carter woke up, came into the living room and wanted to cuddle with Matt too. So, I took Lucy and Carter fell back asleep on Matt for another 45 minutes! Apparently egg hunting really tires a kid out!
It was such a beautiful day outside. I couldn't wait until the kids woke up so we could play.
After dinner we colored Easter eggs outside. I'm now doing this every year. It was way less messy and Carter could run around if he wanted while the eggs sat in the dye.
Lucy played with her bunny.
So proud of his eggs!

Such a wonderful weekend with the family. Happy Easter!