old friends, new friends.

>> February 20, 2011

One of my best friends from college came to town this weekend with her family. We had planned for them to stay with us but then Carter got a double ear infection and the flu 2 days before they came. So, plans changed! But, we did get to spend a little time with them today before they left to go back home. Cate is such a genuine, fun, beautiful, and true friend. Even though we hadn't seen each other since my wedding, we just picked up where we left off. I really wish we lived closer to each other. Her kids are cute, her husband is nice and she is great. Oh well, for now we'll just have fun visits!
Us and the kids (Carter, Claire and Callahan) Callahan was actually very cute and happy the whole time, except for this picture! The big kids. (So Carter had just woken up - explains the pj's and blank stare)

All 3 kids. Oh my goodness I love Callahan's smile and Claire's beautiful curly hair!

Carter eyeing the snack cup.And, Carter helping himself to Claire's snack. Sorry Cate. I promise next time I see you my son will have better manners.I love this picture! They are so cute together!!!


craving summer.

This winter really hasn't been that bad. But, our family loves the sun and warmth over any cold, winter day. We are planning a trip to Hawaii in May for Matt's 30th birthday and found the perfect accessories for our trip. We couldn't wait for Carter to try them on!
Here is his new swimsuit cover up. Such a comfy robe to wear around the pool! A new lifejacket (ignore the long shirt and pants and just imagine swim trunks, sandy beaches and beautiful blue ocean!)

A crab hat. Just to keep the sun out of his eyes.

Only 3 more months until we leave!!!


a boy and his dog.

Carter has been really into hugging people (and things) lately. It's very cute. Yesterday morning Carter woke up and just couldn't wait to give Yoshi a hug. They really are the best of friends. Even though Yoshi can be crazy at times and eat his toys, Carter just gets him back by pulling on his tail, tugging his fur and poking his eyes out. It's their little way of showing each other their love.
Carter climbed up on the couch to give Yoshi a hug. As you can see, Yoshi wasn't too excited about being bothered. But, he sat there nicely and let Carter cuddle.

And then he was done.
And Carter was left all alone.


love day.

Every year on Valentine's Day we stay home, make a homemade pizza and just relax. This being our 7th Valentine's Day together, I think we finally perfected the pizza. Almost. Okay, next year will be better, I'm sure.
I came home to these beautiful flowers. Carter waiting for the pizza to cook.

Our creation! Delicious!My little Valentine! I'm just now realizing that I didn't even take a picture of Matt and I. Oops. He really is the best husband and my most perfect Valentine!


a day at the museum.

>> February 12, 2011

Last weekend we took a drive south to visit one of my best friends, Katy Pancake-Boal. Katy and Brad recently bought a house in Edmonds so we were so excited to see all the work they had done to the place. Of course, my camera battery died earlier in the day so there are no pictures. But, it is a super cute house and they have done amazing work! We had a delicious lunch and dessert and can't wait to go back again for a visit!
We left early and went to the Everett Childrens Museum first. This place is amazing! It is the perfect place to let your little one run wild and get out a ton of energy! Each section had its own theme and I'm pretty sure Carter explored them all.
And he's off! (you'll notice most of these pictures are of his back since he was so busy running around and would not stop to smile for a picture!) Walking over the bridge.

Climbing the firetruck. Carter loved this area! He went down the slide over and over again. I'm glad we got there right when it opened so he had the truck all to himself!Riding the bull.And driving the tractor.They had a money room, which Matt loved. Carter and Matt played connect four. Well, Matt tried to play and Carter chewed on the coins!

Then, my camera died. Ooops! It was such a fun day and now we can't wait to check out the Children's Museum here in Bellingham.


our little bookworm.

I caught Carter reading to himself the other day. It was pretty cute.


weekend activities.

>> February 1, 2011

This past weekend was one of the first weekends in a while where we didn't have any major plans. It was nice to have some time to play, go for walks and just relax. Typically, we spend time on the weekends cleaning and catching up on laundry. Carter decided he wanted to help. So he vacuumed! And then vacuumed some more.

And then did it again! He's learned very early that a clean house is a happy house!I found some time to try out new recipes. So, Carter found some time to explore.
Then, Matt found some time to finish childproofing the kitchen! Carter's only option was to watch on the other side of the baby gate.He got bored quickly so we played a game of hide and seek under the kitchen table. (ignore the dust and dirt under the table. Obviously, we missed a few spots during all that vacuuming!)Next, it was time to work on his computer. Apparently, he needed to have his pants off to really work. Finally, he even had time to practice eating out of a bowl...all by himself! And, most of it went in his mouth! What will next weekend bring?