
>> March 22, 2013

Carter is finally getting into arts and crafts.  Just a little.  Like 10 minutes a day.  And only some days.  But, I'll take it!  
He particularly likes playdoh because he gets to play with knives (don't worry, only plastic knives).  Actually the conversation went something like this:  
C: Mom, can I play with knives?
Me: What?  No!  Knives are dangerous.  
C: But, Miss Jessica (babysitter) lets me play with knives!
Me: Umm. no Carter.  I don't think she does.
C: Yes, she lets Connor and I.  Those white knives.
And then I realized he meant plastic knives and finally figured it out. 
Lucy got in on the action too.  And only ate a little bit!
Mixing all the colors together!  My type A, organized, neat freak personality cringed inside when I watched him do this.  I'm very much the type who keeps every color separate and only plays with one color at a time.
Carter is completely opposite.  And to be honest, it was kinda fun to watch him mix certain colors together and make rainbow playdoh.  Now we just have 6 cans of the same rainbow playdoh.  But he's happy and really, it's just playdoh.
And just another silly smile.  Some days I wonder if he'll ever smile without scrunching up his entire face.  But, it's so cute I don't really mind.

And, window markers that got a little less on the windows and more on his face!


just keep swimming...

About 2 months ago Carter asked us to learn how to "swim in the ocean" (aka swim lessons).  We heard the pool at Mountlake Terrace has the best lessons around and is only 10 minutes from our house. But, because they are so good it is almost impossible to get signed up.  I called 1 hour after open registration began and was put on a waiting list!  But, lucky for us, 2 days before lessons started, I received a call that there was 1 open spot waiting for Carter.  We were all so excited!
The first swim lesson was a lesson in patience and anticipation.  We arrived a little too early but Carter patiently waited until his name was called and happily followed the other kids in the pool.
Because there were so many kids they split them up into 3 mini-classes.  Of course, in all of his excitement, he got a little confused who is teacher was.  So, he sort of wandered around the pool aimlessly looking for the right spot, while still having a huge smile on his face!
And then everything went down hill.  His teacher, Miss Emily, is a wonderful, young teacher with tons of patience for a group of 3 year olds.  In the most kindhearted way, she called out to Carter to follow her, but he didn't hear her.  So, she just naturally scooped him right up and moved him from one side of the pool to the other. Well, that freaked Carter out. Big time. Like, "I don't know who that person is and she just picked me up and now I'm never, ever, ever, ever getting in the pool again" freak out.  Awesome.  The problem was I didn't realize what was bugging him so much that first day.  He just insisted on sitting by the side of the pool the rest of class and then told me later that day how he was terrified of his teacher because she picked him up without asking him first.
At first I was really annoyed with Carter.  Didn't he realize how hard it was to get into these classes and how much money we spent?  Didn't he realize the time commitment we had made?  Or the excitement I had in my head as I watched my little boy in his first organized sports class?
And then I realized he didn't.  And why should he.  He's only 3.
Instead he had learned from me that it wasn't okay for strangers to touch you.  And he knew it was important to always ask someone if they want to do something before just doing it.  He had listened to my teaching and followed through with it with his swim teacher, who was in his mind, a complete stranger.
We went back on week 2 and explained to Miss Emily why he was scared and she promised to not pick him up.  But, he didn't buy it.  He was the only dry kid at the pool.  Wouldn't even put a toe in the water.
We decided to go swimming as a family before week 3.  Just to let him have fun and hopefully want to get in the water again.  It worked!  Carter and Matt had a great time playing, splashing and blowing bubbles under the water.  I thought, "yes, he'll be fine for week 3!"
Nope.  Week 3 was the worst.  Tears, screaming, pleading to go home and a mind made up that swimming was not for him.  At least not with that teacher.
So, here we are.  Tomorrow is week 4.  And we aren't going.  It was a hard decision for me because it feels like we are giving up.  But I've come to terms that we aren't giving up.  Carter gave it his best shot and right now, in his little 3 year old body and mind, it's not for him.  And that's okay. Will he still learn to swim eventually?  Yes.  Will he still enjoy organized sports?  Of course.  But I think trust is important too.  Trusting that we listen to his worries and fears and more importantly validate them.  That it's okay to be scared sometimes, but it's important to try.  And he did.  And that he might not be the next Michael Phelps by the age of 5.  I guess I can live with that too.


not a baby.

>> March 21, 2013

And just like that Lucy has become a toddler.  She still loves to cuddle, suck her thumb, nurse and be rocked to sleep but during the day she is go, go, go!
She has become a little monkey climbing on everything.  Couches, coffee tables, stools, chairs...she's mastered them all!
 Now wearing 18 month clothes (but still a little peanut at only 21 pounds) and lots of hair (but REFUSES to let me do anything with it - every barrette, pony tail and headband gets ripped out instantly).
 Trying to ride Carter's tricycle and actually understanding how to!
 Loves taking baths.  She sits in the water until it's cold and then waits until all the water has drained and we still have to pull her out screaming.
 And running errands with me.  She is so different than Carter was at this age.  He was (and still is) a busy boy.  When we go out I always make sure I have snacks, toys and my phone to distract/keep him busy while I'm at the store. Lucy is different though.  She likes to observe, sit quietly, smile and wave to everyone and just be still.  It's a welcome change.
 And learning how to use modern technology.  We don't let her play with our phones very often, for several reasons. But she is so curious and it's amazing to watch her learn so quickly how to master an app, like Peek-a-boo barn.  Plus, she's connecting the animals she sees on the phone with the ones we read in books. Such an interesting culture our children will grow up in.  I'm actually excited to see how we can integrate traditional learning (like flash cards, books and worksheets) with the IPad.  We've found some really great ways to add moments of learning throughout the day when I need 5 minutes to make lunch and Carter wants my phone or the IPad.  Makes me not feel so guilty for a little screen time.
 And she's as cute as ever! Now, if she could just stop growing up so quickly.....


parks and rec.

We are a park loving family.  When moving away from Bellingham and finding a new home in Bothell, one of our top priorities was to live near a park.  We were lucky enough to be within walking distance to about 5 parks at our old house and hoped to have something similar down here.  
Lucky for us we found a house that has a great park just a few blocks away.  And, even more parks just a short drive away.  Even on the coldest of days I bundle the kids up and get outside.  It always makes everyone much happier!

 And then there are days we just want to stay at home and play in the backyard.  Our neighbors gave us this little table and chairs set a few weeks ago and the kids just love it!
My new favorite park just a few minutes from our house.  2 huge playgrounds, swings, gigantic sandbox, climbing trees, big field and non-creepy bathrooms!
 This was the day before the first day of spring.  Yep, freezing.
 Such a big girl.
 Climbing a huge tree!  After a few steps he said, "well, I don't know about this mom." And then climbed down.
I can't wait until the weather gets warmer and we can go every day!

And a totally random picture.  Just because.
The other day we took a super random and spontaneous trip to Seattle Center (okay, real story is we were trying out a new church and couldn't even find a parking spot.  So, instead of driving around forever to find one and walk in late we just decided to skip church and go have some family time!)
Anyways, Carter saw this payphone and had no idea what it was for!  We figured this would be the first and last time he would ever have a picture with one.  


Carter says....

Having a 3 year old is like having a live-in stand up comedian 24 hours a day.  Carter just says the funniest stuff all the time.  I know, every kid does this. But since it's my blog, I get to write about him and all his funny quotes.  So, for memories sake, here are a few of the latest:

To Lucy:
"You are my favorite sister.  You are the best Lucy ever!"

While at the grocery store:
"Mom, can you buy me vegetables please?  I want to be healthy and strong!"

Driving in the car listening to music:
"Mom, please don't sing.  It just ruins the whole song."

C - "Mom, is this your yummy tummy?  (pointing to my bra)
Me: umm..what?
C - "Your yummy tummy.  You know, when you put this on Lucy drinks yummies from your tummy!

"Mom, you are beautiful and nice"

"Wow, you make the best muffins ever!"  (or pancakes, oatmeal, eggs, etc.)

I just love him.  Everyday is so fun with a 3 year old!


just because.

>> March 3, 2013

There isn't really a story or theme with this post, other than I have some pictures that I couldn't just leave sitting in IPhoto to never be seen again.
So, here you go.

Lucy has been extra curious lately.  Especially in the kitchen.  It started a few months ago when she was finally tall enough to reach into the "kid" silverware/lid drawer.  From then on, every.single.spoon. would end up being dropped onto the floor.  Over and over and over again. 
Now she's moved on to ziploc bags.
And straws too.
 And the dishwasher.  Just to keep me on my toes!
The other day I had to take Lucy to the doctor.  It was a ridiculous wait to see the doctor.  You know it's been a long time (ended up being over 45 minutes!) waiting in the tiny room with 2 young kids when Carter isn't even interested in playing with my phone anymore.  After asking him not to touch the computer about 58 times I gave in and let him "play doctor."  He felt very important and said that's what he wanted to be when he grows up!

 Lucy has been loving this little piano.  She always reminds me of Linus from Charlie Brown when she sits and plays.  So cute!
 And, just some pictures from a really great day last week.  Carter got his haircut and sat still while listening to the stylist the entire time.  Lucy quietly played with toys during the 20 minutes and I felt like Mom of the Year.  So, we went to the bookstore to read when we were finished.  Carter just loves reading and would have stayed another hour if I would have let him!
 Then we headed to the local toy store next to the book store.  The kids quietly played, picked up when they were finished and Carter even said thank you when we left!  I know these are just ordinary things but when they happen over and over again in the same day it makes me feel like he actually does listen to me when I'm teaching him about manners.  It was a super fun afternoon....for all of us!
 Matt's Aunt Sharon recently went to DisneyWorld and sent the kids each their own box of souvenirs. It was filled with tons of fun Mickey stuff including these adorable mouse ears.  Now I'm dreaming of the day we can take the kids to Disneyworld!



>> March 1, 2013

It was a random Saturday morning a few weeks ago.  And I was dying to get out of the house and go somewhere.  We didn't have any plans and I had absolutely no desire to just sit around, do some laundry and play in the playroom.  I wanted an adventure. 
So, somehow I convinced Matt that we should just drive to Leavenworth!  I had seen one of our neighbors by the mailbox on Friday night and he mentioned they were going there for the weekend.  So, I thought....well, why don't we just go for the day?!?  And (being the nice guy that he is - and not wanting to listen to me whine all day if I was stuck at home) Matt went along with the idea.
So, we packed up the kids and a bunch of food and got in the car. 2 hours later and a good morning nap for Lucy and we had arrived!  The drive over the pass was beautiful.  The west side of the state called for clouds and rain all day but we were blessed with sunshine and a warm winter day.
Our first stop was at a bakery, of course.  We were trying to make it a somewhat frugal day so we opted to get a pretzel the size of Texas and share it.
And let's be honest, the kids devoured it and I got a small bite of a smashed piece of Lucy's leftovers.  But, it was still delicious!

Then, we were off to explore. Well, we went across the street to the large sidewalk and found snow (hey, I said this was spontaneous and frugal so we were working with what we could find).
The kids loved it!  Even though the snow was really just old muddy ice that had been shoveled off the streets weeks ago Carter thought he was summiting Mt. Rainier.  
We probably spent 20 minutes just playing in our little snow heaven.
Even Lucy was brave enough to walk on the ice.
 Then we realized that was kinda lame and took off for a real adventure.  We walked down to Waterfront Park and found this gorgeous snow-filled trail that we could just wander through.  Carter ate snow and Lucy explored, her first real time walking in soft snow.
At the end of the trail was the beautiful river.  Carter was convinced he saw a crocodile (still loving all things Peter Pan) so we ended up turning around and going back.

 After a quick lunch in the car and about 20 minutes of people watching we decided to walk around the block a few times and landed in this cute little gingerbread house.
 Both kids got a special treat!
We spent a little more time wandering around and then decided to head home (and timed both kids' naps with our drive so we had silence for 2 hours - glorious!).  It was such a fun, random day and I loved it!