Seahawks and Christmas

>> November 17, 2008

This past weekend was quite fun. First we decided to pull out the Christmas decorations a little early and get the house ready to go. Okay...I know what you're thinking...Christmas decorations already? Before Thanksgiving? Well, so we are a little early, but we are both obsessed with Christmas, have been listening to Christmas music the last 2 weeks, and won't be at home this year for Christmas. Because we are going to Florida to visit my grandpa and spend Christmas in Disneyworld, we thought we should enjoy our decorations while we're at home. And...because we won't be getting a tree (so sad) we only have like 1/2 of our stuff out. Alright, so I guess I didn't really defend myself, but who cares? We LOVE our house when its decorated! I think Yoshi does too. He's already broken one of the stocking holders. Oops!

On Sunday, I was got to go to another Seahawks game with Matt! It was so much fun. Actually, my throat hurts today from screaming so loud. Even though they lost, again, it was still so fun to be a part of the crowd. His face doesn't really show it, but I think he liked having me go too!


October Fun!

>> November 1, 2008

It's been awhile since I posted...we've been pretty busy. My eye is slowly healing, having a few complications at times, but otherwise doing well. I received the bill from the hospital yesterday. The total surgery was $19, 255.13. We only owe $179.35 - whew! We were really worried about how much my insurance company would pick up. After everything, I only owe a little bit for the IV solutions and sterile equipment. I couldn't believe how much it cost for the donor cornea - over $9,700 dollars! The funny part was to get rid of my old cornea was only $1,200 dollars...just proves that a crappy cornea isn't worth a whole lot.

In other news, Yoshi is growing everyday. He has been loving the fall weather, especially the rainy days when he can dig in the mud. This should help explain:

Matt and I went to our favorite pumpkin patch for hay rides, homemade apple pie, and of course pumpkins! This has been a tradition of ours for the last 4's probably one of my favorite places in Whatcom County!

Last night for Halloween, we stocked up on candy expecting to have dozens of little kiddos coming to our door. Living across the street from an elementary school and a park we see tons of kids everyday. So...we had a quick dinner, watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, and anxiously waited for the doorbell to ring. After 1 hour and no kids I was getting a little restless. Finally a knock. I opened it to find a young mom and a 1 year old little girl who couldn't even walk! Why does she need candy at that age? It didn't matter, I was so excited to have a trick-or-treater I gave her 2 lollipops! Then it was time to wait again. About 30 minutes later we had 1 little boy who only wanted to take 1 piece of candy. I was so happy to see another kid I wanted to give him the whole bowl! But, he nicely took 2 pieces and off he went. And...that was it! Only 2 trick-or-treaters the whole night! I have 4 bags of left over candy and no one to give it to.
Since our halloween had turned into one lame night, we decided it was time for Yoshi to put on his costume. He wasn't really a fan.

There you go. October 2008 for the Vance Family.