getting bigger every day.

>> February 19, 2012

Time really needs to slow down. Tomorrow our little Lucy will be 2 months old. 2 months! How is that possible? Lucy is eating about every 3 hours during the day, every 4 hours at night. She is starting to have 1 long stretch of sleep at night, for about 5-6 hours (unfortunately, it's from 7:30pm to 12:30am so I don't always get a 5 hour stretch myself...oh well, I shouldn't complain!). She is a great eater, loves to smile, adores her big brother, could play on her playmat all day and is pretty much the sweetest little girl in the world.

I took her 2 month picture a few days early. Here she is:She is finally starting to like tummy time. Well, if she's in the right mood. And, only for about 4 minutes. So, I guess she is tolerating tummy time.

We tried out the bumbo seat for the first time yesterday and she loved it! Matt and I were so happy because now we finally have a solution to our dinner dilemma. Lucy always wants to feel included, especially at dinner. This means one of us ends up holding her while we eat with one hand or we take turns and one of us eats a cold meal. Now, she can sit in the bumbo at the table, feel included, look around and we all get to eat together!

My sweet little girl.
Happy 2 months Lucy.....we love you!


the (new) cabin.

For the last year Matt's parents have been hard at work completely remodeling their cabin/beach house on Camano Island. For those of you who have had the fun privilege of visiting, the 70's shag carpet, floral couches and huge lamps are all gone (sad, I know...we had many fun memories with that shag!). This past weekend his parents moved some stuff over so we decided to drive down for a little visit.

Carter just loves his grandpa and wanted to help him with a few projects. First he put on his big vest to get started. Then, he helped install a door and hang a huge TV! He was very proud and Grandpa appreciated his little helper :)
Grandma got spoiled with lots of Lucy cuddles.
A view of the new living room. Ignore the 1,000 toys laying on the floor and picture beautiful new furniture (has been ordered, but still needs to ship).
After the new TV was hung, Carter explored the box.
Then, Grandpa made a tent!
More Grandma/Lucy time. Not sure who loved it more, but I saw smiles on both their faces throughout the day!
A view off the new deck. It was raining the whole time so it's hard to see the water, but still a nice view.
I forgot to take pictures of the new bedrooms and downstairs but it is just beautiful. We are so excited to spend many summer weekends at the cabin relaxing, going to the beach and walking around the neighborhood. So happy it's finally done!