Simon's baptism.

>> February 14, 2016

Oh goodness, this sweet boy turned 8 months old today! 8 months of pure joy. I can't even express how much love I have for him and how he has perfectly completed our family.
At 8 months old he has 4 teeth with more on the way, loves to scoot/crawl, screams out of happiness until your ears start ringing, loves sweet potatoes, avocados and quinoa, loves to clap and can't get enough of his crazy siblings. Oh yes, and he's super handsome too!
Today was also a special day because Simon was baptized at our church today. We feel so blessed to have found a great church, community of friends and a wonderful pastoral staff. Simon did a wonderful job staring at the crowd, smiling and of course a little (happy) screaming. Carter and Lucy did their best to not get distracted by the water and all the people they could look out and see.
 We always choose a passage of Scripture for each child to represent them during their baptism and beyond. For Simon we chose Jeremiah 29:11-13. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me and when you seek me with all your heart."


Valentine's Day.

Before we get into Valentine's day I just couldn't help sharing more pics of these sweet brothers. I sort of worried, when we had Simon, that having 2 boys 5.5 years apart would mean little bonding. I wasn't really sure how that brotherly bond would form. And, of course, things will most definitely change as these kids grow up but for now, Carter is just as obsessed with Simon as Simon is with him. It might just be that Simon likes watching Carter play with all the big kid toys but I'm going to pretend its a more intense love for each other that will just continue to grow. (I'm going to come back and reread this in 5 years when they are screaming at each other for stealing legos/books/food/etc.)
I just love how Simon is so desperately trying to scoot closer to Carter!

Even though our beloved Seahawks didn't play in the Superbowl the kids were all super excited to watch the game and cheer for the Broncos!
We've had a strange winter this year. A few cold days but mostly a huge mix of sun and rain. The other day is was unusually warm so I sent the kids outside to climb trees and color with sidewalk chalk.
Now, on to Valentine's Day! It started about a week ago with some homemade crafts.
Then, Lucy got to have her first preschool Valentine's Day party! She was so excited since she got to spend the entire day there after missing a day last week. The teachers let the kids prepare chocolate covered strawberries for a snack before passing out their Valentines. Such a fun day for her.
The kids both chose to make the same Valentines this year for their school friends (thank you Pinterest!) so other than writing different names on the cards it was fairly simple to put together.
I was so happy to be able to help out at Carter's kindergarten Valentines Day Party. I love how my mom friends and I take turns watching each others kids so we can participate in stuff at school. It really does take a village. 
There were 5 stations set up in his classroom and of course the ValenSLIME was the most popular. 

 He had such a good time passing out his Valentines and then coming home to empty out his delivery truck full of cards and goodies. I just love this holiday when celebrating it with kids. It's not always about romance or fancy dinners, it's mostly just about sharing kind words with those you care about.
Because of Simon's baptism (next post!) our celebration on the actual day was a little different. We did keep with tradition though and made our homemade pizza for dinner. (and maybe shared some candy, flowers and cards too!)


our days.

>> February 4, 2016

Well, we survived January. Although the way February has started I'm thinking maybe January wasn't so bad after all. Usually these months include lots of cold, wet, dark days and kids who are coming off of the crazy holidays only to be encouraged to get right back into schedules and routines (aka boring). Luckily we've squeezed in just enough fun to keep everyone happy.
The other night Carter had a late night birthday party for one of his friends from school. Which, by the way, I'm quickly realizing will become a weekend norm around here as there are 25 kids in his class and I feel like we are getting an invite every few days! While the boys went to Chuck E. Cheese Lucy and I decided to have a movie night at home after Simon went to bed. Her choice was no surprise....Frozen! It's so fun to spend some girl time together, especially when she feels a little left out being the little sister.
Later in the week we had a surprisingly sunny day so we headed to the park. Any day we can get outside is a good day and I always take advantage of switching up our schedule to make time for playing. Instead of playing on the playground the kids ventured out onto the baseball field and discovered the mud. Awesome. Park time turned into bath time at home and then laundry time. No big deal though, I'll take those happy faces getting along any day!
 Simon is just getting more handsome by the day and continues to be our smiley, go with the flow baby. Here he is wearing one of Carter's old outfits. Carter fit into this at only 4 months old!
 I also pulled out Carter's old crocodile speedo the other night. I couldn't help but put it on Simon and take some pictures. Now I just need to get him to the local aquatic center for some swimming!

 Still in the phase of sitting and rocking but no crawling yet. I absolutely adore this stage. I can trust he'll stay where I put him, other than some rolling around on the rug, and he happily can get toys out of his bin. Yes!
 Carter started his ninja classes last week and loves them. Each winter we try to find an indoor activity for the kids to keep them busy when the weather isn't so great. This year he chose ninja classes, which really is just a giant obstacle course at our local gymnastics studio. He gets to climb, jump, swing, roll and get super sweaty.

 Lucy got her haircut the other day after many weeks of requesting a Rapunzel cut (to clarify, Rapunzel at the END of the movie when her hair gets chopped). I was a little sad because I've always envisioned my little girl having long hair I could braid and curl but let's be honest....this girl has the thinnest hair ever which doesn't really do a whole lot. So, a short bob is perfect for her and she loves it!

 Simon took his first big boy bath the other day, without the baby bathtub. He was so busy rocking and splashing I could barely hold onto him! Lucy loved having another brother to play with in the tub so I think this will start a new nightly routine.
 This big boy has been obsessed with books lately. And I mean, crazy obsessed, reading all day every day obsessed. On days Lucy has preschool we usually head over to the book store for lunch and then cuddle up in a corner and read together while Simon naps. Right now it's Harry Potter. We read books 1-3 in a month and are already halfway through book 4.
 Lucy is still doing her weekly swim lessons and becoming quite the swimmer! She can now float on her stomach and back all by herself, flip in the water and kick back to the side after getting a boost from her teacher. It's been fun to watch her get more confident and try new things week after week.
 She was also begging me to try ballet (as if we don't already have a busy enough schedule). I decided I'd do a trial class and then decide. She, of course, loved it but after seeing the weekly classes and time commitment I promised her we'd do it in the fall once swim lessons were over. Besides she still has preschool, swimming and soccer starting soon too. Quite the extracurricular load for a 4 year old.

 And he just continues to be cute as a button.
 We have a free little library in our neighborhood (like it's a wooden box in someone's driveway) that friends and neighbors use to exchange books. The other day we went for a walk to get some new ones before waiting at the bus stop for Carter to come home. Of course she chose a Frozen book.
 And now the bad part. February hit us hard with illness. Lucy was complaining about a sore throat and stomachache while Simon had a high fever. Then, 3 days later both of them broke out in spots, with Simon's covering his little body and in his mouth. Both have had poor appetites and felt just miserable. That means little sleep for me, missing work, canceling playdates and girls nights and just hunkering down at home while they recover. Poor kiddos.

Here's hoping February improves before Valentine's Day so we can celebrate love all around!!!