preschool year 2!

>> September 19, 2016

Lucy had her first day of preschool today and she couldn't have been more excited! Her school starts a couple weeks after most schools so she's had to patiently wait while all her friends began their new fall schedules. But, today was the day! 
She is attending the same school she did last year (and the same one Carter went to) so it was familiar and comfortable while still giving her a little excitement to meet new friends. It's a mixed ages school which allows the younger ones to have a role model while the older kids can serve as a leader and helper to the teachers. Her school focuses on play and socialization, which I love. It allows kids to just be kids, play, move their bodies, learn how to work together and build confidence. I'm so happy she enjoys it and I can't wait to see how she grows this year.
To follow tradition, she got to have a candle with her breakfast while we sang "Happy First Day of School to You!" Such a silly thing but the kids love it so much.

 And then the annual school sign picture.

 Her adorable outfit.
 And ready for drop off! It was a great day, she made 2 new friends and can't wait to go back again later this week. We celebrated by baking some homemade cookies and snuggling on the couch to read books this afternoon. Happy Preschool Lucy!


grade 1.

>> September 12, 2016

It's now been a full week and we are all still adjusting to the school year. Carter loved kindergarten last year...all of it. Meeting new friends, learning to read, his amazing teacher, and more. But first grade? He's still in that transition mode where all the new rules and routines are keeping us (and him) a bit overwhelmed. There have been long days, tired nights, happy smiles, a few tears and lots of debriefing to hear about portions of his day. I'm so proud of him and how brave he is for tackling this you Carter! Each day seems to get a little better as the routines and schedules become the new normal but gosh I miss him all day!
A big change is eating lunch at school! While I get creative with packing a variety of foods each day, he's learning how to eat within a tight time constraint while visiting with friends and reading my little notes. I've stepped up my game since the first day and now include a daily joke. Because one day he'll hate it but right now it's the best!
 A special first day of school breakfast! His choice: fruit, turkey bacon and a toasted english muffin...with a candle to blow out, of course. All special occasions call for a silly song and a candle!
 And his official sign. Gosh, stop growing up so fast!
 Even in the middle of all their bickering they really do love each other so much and miss each other all day long! Lucy is like a lost puppy without her best friend around and Carter is always curious how she is spending her day.
 We walk to school on any nice morning because it's fun to chat a little more and get some wiggles out. I love this part of our day!
 And he's off!
 The first Friday of the school year was Blue Friday to celebrate the beginning of the Seahawks season. We miss Daddy when he's at the games but I love our cheering at home too. It's a little chaotic having 3 kids sort of pay attention to the game but when they really get into it, the entire neighborhood can hear them screaming!
 And...his first soccer game of the season too! Not only is school busy but add 2 soccer practices during the week plus games on the weekends (and that doesn't even include Lucy's soccer schedule!). We were a bit worried adding an extra thing to his schedule but he's loving it and has a great team and coach. Plus, there are 2 little sisters that come to practices and adore playing with Lucy. Win win!!