little and big.

>> January 30, 2012

Matt's mom bought the kids these cute little sister and big brother shirts a while back. I finally coordinated their outfits so they could both wear them at the same time. Unfortunately, they didn't really care to have their pictures taken to document it.

Lucy by herself as I tried to convince Carter to sit still on the couch.
At first Carter was excited about his shirt (but didn't care about Lucy)
Then, Lucy got sleepy and Carter got a little silly.
Then Lucy slept and Carter ignored her.
Finally he pretended to like her....just a little bit.
And just when I thought all hope was lost, he gave her a great big brother hug.
This only lasted 1.5 seconds before he ran away, spilled water all over his shirt and we changed their clothes. But, I still got a few cute pictures!


sleepy girl.

>> January 27, 2012

Babies are cute. Sleeping babies are sometimes even cuter. Especially Lucy.
She is such a good little sister. Even letting Carter play games on her while she takes a nap.

This looks a little strange, but she loves to stand up and bounce her legs on your lap. Sometimes it tires her out though.
She isn't a huge fan of tummy time, but we are making progress.
Look at those strong neck muscles!
How did she get to be so big so fast?


Winter Extreme 2012.

>> January 20, 2012

Last weekend the forecast called for snow. We got very excited since snow only comes about once a year and it's fun to slow down, pull out the scarves and mittens and go play like a little kid again. Plus, we have a little kid who would love it! Well, 6 days later and we still have snow. Lots of it. And 6 days later I haven't left the house. Yes, it's beautiful. Yes, I now have cabin fever. And...yes, I'm ready for the snow to leave. We were extremely lucky to have power the entire time, not lose any trees, not have horrible ice covering everything and have access to the interest which provided a plethora of ideas to entertain a toddler.

But, after 2 days of the snow the temperatures dropped very low. So low (with the wind chill) it wasn't even an option to go outside and play. So, we got creative!
Carter loves playing with his iPhone. He combined his love of apps with a little yoga. Downward dog while play duck duck moose!
Lucy learned how to hold a rattle! I was very proud.
We made snow ice cream. Loved this idea....especially since we got to bring some snow inside (Carter was pretty bummed when we couldn't go outside anymore).

It actually tasted really good too!
Then, pinterest came to the rescue! I found this great idea for bath paint. Using shaving cream, food coloring and muffin tins we made our own finger paints.
He loved it for about 5 minutes.
Then he was ready to just take a bath. Oh well, it still passed some time!
We did some tummy time.
And in the midst of a snow storm, our little girl turned 1 month old!
I'm now looking out the window and seeing rain come down. I won't complain. As much as rain sucks sometimes, it'll be nice to just have a "normal" week of weather. I'm ready to leave the house, see people other than my kids and hubby and get back to a routine.

And, just for my friend Cate. Here are some pictures of Lucy's nursery! I posted these a while back but she didn't get a chance to see them.
We chose gray walls, white furniture and pink accents. We just finished the photo collage above her crib and love it. It's a bunch of pictures from the past few years including a wedding picture, Carter picture, newborn pics of Lucy and even a picture of Yoshi. There are also a few great quotes just to keep it extra special.

I think my favorite part of the room is the rug's just perfect for our sweet little girl.



>> January 16, 2012

Unless you've been locked in a closet, you know that WA finally got some snow over the weekend. We were so excited! Even Carter. It's amazing what a difference a year can a make. For example, this was him last year.And now he is a giddy, excited 2 year old who couldn't be more happy to play in the snow until his fingers freeze off.
His favorite thing is to eat the snow. Yummy! (as long as he stays away from Yoshi's yellow snow!)

Taking a break. It's a lot of work to play outside.

This is my favorite. Instead of just picking up a small ball of snow, he decided it was just easier to lean over and eat it straight from the ground!
And since it's continuing to dump more snow outside, with even more on the way tomorrow, I'm sure there will be a blog post part 2 with even more snow fun!


week in review.

>> January 14, 2012

Not much time to write so we'll let the pictures do the talking!

Big smile after a walk around the block.
We've had many friends come for a visit (and to bring delicious food!). My great friend Caity with Lucy.
Yep, she is the world's cutest little sister. Even if her face doesn't really show the excitement.
Tiny baby, big crib.
I promise she could breath. It was a very cold day and we had to run some errands.
Just one of many naps.
And not to be forgotten...Carter loves reading his new books.
Bath time!
Mama and her little girl.
Again, the face doesn't show how happy she is. But trust me, she's got a pretty easy life.
Sibling love. He just adores her! It's so incredibly fun to watch.
Trying to hug her while holding on to his cracker. He's got his priorities you know.
Love my family so much!!!!