Week 1.

>> December 14, 2009

Well, we made it. With the help of 2 loving grandmas, lots of friends, free dinners and endless naps, we survived our 1st week of parenthood. So far Carter loves to eat, poo, nap, and hiccup. He has amazed us with his strength to lift up his head, loves tummy time and hates baths. We can't believe how quickly the days fly by, how much laundry one baby could possibly dirty in one day, and how much love we have for him. No, it's not easy, but we are surviving and taking each day at a time. Here are some pics from the major events in his first week. Enjoy!


Chad and Cate Kuhlmann December 14, 2009 at 8:40 PM  

So cute! I want to see more picture of you with Carter!
At least it's fun to do there laundry! Claire's record was blowing out of 5 onesies in one day!

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