uncle adam's birthday

>> April 14, 2011

We went down to Seattle last weekend to celebrate Adam's birthday. Breakfast was delicious, but the fun part was really running around Seattle Center. Carter had been sitting in the car for a while and then more sitting at the restaurant so he was ready to get moving. And, that's all he did for about a hour! He loved running around with Adam and Grandpa and watching the fountain blow water. He loved seeing Grandma too!

Ready to explore.Going down to the water with Grandpa (luckily no one got wet!)

Walking with Daddy. I can't believe how tall Carter is now! Seriously, at only 16 months!

1st Space needle picture!
We ended the day with some yummy cotton candy for the car ride home (too bad Carter slept the whole time he never got to enjoy it!). Thanks for having a birthday Adam!


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