Carter & Daddy.

>> November 23, 2011

I never realized the term, "Like Father, like Son" would be so relevant in our house until a few weeks ago. Lately, Carter wants to do everything like his Daddy. When Matt gets home from work it's non-stop chaos until bedtime. They wrestle, play football, have tickle fights, laugh and just act like goofy boys for 2 straight hours until both are finally exhausted and we put the little one to bed. I just love watching them interact. Carter has a great Daddy and Matt has an adorable little shadow.

The other night Matt was vacuuming up dinner (that somehow ended up all over the floor by a certain someone). So, then it was Carter's turn.

Then, Matt (okay Matt and I) wanted brownies. So, naturally Carter had to help.

Matt then turned on Christmas music and started dancing and drumming. So, Carter did the same. Let me just clarify...Matt kept his clothes on during the dancing unlike Carter!
The next night it was time to make spaghetti. Carter, once again, was ready to help. Somehow all the noodles ended up on the floor.
And, my 3 boys....they couldn't be more alike. All are fun, crazy, goofy, a little ADD, loving, sweet and just plain wonderful.


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