getting bigger every day.

>> February 19, 2012

Time really needs to slow down. Tomorrow our little Lucy will be 2 months old. 2 months! How is that possible? Lucy is eating about every 3 hours during the day, every 4 hours at night. She is starting to have 1 long stretch of sleep at night, for about 5-6 hours (unfortunately, it's from 7:30pm to 12:30am so I don't always get a 5 hour stretch myself...oh well, I shouldn't complain!). She is a great eater, loves to smile, adores her big brother, could play on her playmat all day and is pretty much the sweetest little girl in the world.

I took her 2 month picture a few days early. Here she is:She is finally starting to like tummy time. Well, if she's in the right mood. And, only for about 4 minutes. So, I guess she is tolerating tummy time.

We tried out the bumbo seat for the first time yesterday and she loved it! Matt and I were so happy because now we finally have a solution to our dinner dilemma. Lucy always wants to feel included, especially at dinner. This means one of us ends up holding her while we eat with one hand or we take turns and one of us eats a cold meal. Now, she can sit in the bumbo at the table, feel included, look around and we all get to eat together!

My sweet little girl.
Happy 2 months Lucy.....we love you!

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