our little chatterbox.

>> April 1, 2014

Just 9 months ago I had a strange sense that Lucy wasn't saying as many words as she should. And now…she won't stop talking!
I am completely amazed at how much this sweet little girl has learned, how hard we've worked, how patient we've been and how truly wonderful it is to listen to each new word come out of her mouth.  I literally just sit and smile sometimes as she tells me a story, sings a new song or describes something she sees. 
I will never tire of hearing that voice. We always knew she understood what we were saying, now she finally has the words to respond back! 
At 27 months she is now saying 150+ words, counting to 7 and singing many new songs. She can describe objects with 4 different colors now (we were stuck on just pink for a long time!). And she is singing her ABC's!
Her other favorite songs are (in her own words):
Baba Sheep, yes sir yes sir
Tinkle Tinkle Wittle Star
Itsy Pider
Rocky Baby Teetop

She's advanced so quickly, in fact, that her speech therapist is only coming twice a month and focusing more on articulation than language development. Last month she was found to have no speech delay and was even ahead of kids her age in some areas. 
So, all that worrying and stressing I did was really for nothing. My kids continue to amaze me in their abilities everyday and this was just another example of that. I am truly, truly blessed.

 Lucy - you will never really know how incredibly proud we are of you, but…we are. I am in awe of your determination, your creative ability to "describe" something differently when you can't quite figure out the right word to use and your patience. I love, love, love you.


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