
>> February 3, 2015

Last Friday we had our 20 week ultrasound for our 3rd little peanut. It is always to amazing to see how far a baby can develop in such a short amount of time. And even though I can feel kicks and squirms throughout the day and night I love watching exactly how the baby is moving. Our baby was plenty active, mostly moving its arms to block every good shot of the face. This was the first time we were able to see a 3D image and it was absolutely beautiful. 
We decided early on in this pregnancy that we were going to keep the gender a surprise until I deliver. Since we already have so much for a boy or girl we thought this would add a little more fun to the big day. I was surprised that I didn't actually give in though, once we were in the room! The ultrasound tech had to look to be sure development was right on track so we turned our heads and closed our eyes. But, nothing was written in my medical chart so even my midwives won't have a clue until delivery. I am so excited!
Our baby is weighing exactly 1 lb. (about 6 oz. above average at this gestational age) and measuring long in the arms and legs (another tall baby!). 
Just for fun, here are Carter and Lucy's ultrasound pictures. And at the bottom is baby #3. Any guesses on gender??? I'm noticing the lips on baby #3 match Carters, but the forehead match Lucy's. Hmm.....

Sorry for the horrible picture quality...it's a picture of a picture. But, still a beautiful baby!


Carey February 11, 2015 at 1:16 PM  

Congrats on Baby #3.And, thanks for including us in your Christmas card list. Such a nice family!

Carey & Dave

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