32 weeks

>> April 26, 2015

Dear Baby Vance #3 -
You have now been cookin' for 32 weeks, crazy how fast that time has gone. It's funny that even though we don't know if you are a boy or a girl, we still don't have names picked out and I have no idea what you will look like, you are still such a huge piece of my heart.
You are growing every day, moving more than Carter or Lucy ever did and get the hiccups at least 6 times a day. You will be a true 3rd child, one who will always make its voice known. 
I still don't have an instinct if you are a he or a she. I don't really care either. You are perfectly growing, perfectly kicking and perfectly listening to the world around you. And I'm trying to soak in every little moment.
In 8 short weeks you will make your grand entrance into this world. In 8 short weeks this pregnant phase of my life will be over and another newborn stage will begin. I've said it before and its still true to this day. I absolutely adore being pregnant. Are these last few weeks a little more rough? Sure. Is sleep getting more difficult? Yep. But, feeling you squirm, watching my body change to grow a little human is so miraculous. I will miss it so much.
But, in 8 short weeks our family will grow. We will change our world to adapt to you, learn more about you and even more about each other.
I'm warning you little one. This family is crazy. We are loud. Chaotic. Busy. Silly. And we'll probably drive you a little nuts. But we are ALL head over heels in love with you already. Your big sister kisses my belly every night before she falls asleep. Your big brother can't wait for you to play with him. He's going to teach you all you've ever wanted to know about Super heroes....so get ready.
And your Daddy, he adores you. 
So, enjoy these last few weeks, I know I will. And soon enough I'll hold you in my arms.

Photo taken 1 week ago (31 weeks) by my dearest friend Esha. Check her out at eshahart.com


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