
>> December 1, 2015

Every year I say this but seriously, where has the time gone? How is my baby, my first born, the boy who made me a mama suddenly turing six years old? I was okay when he turned five. It felt like a milestone but six? Gosh, that sounds old.
This has been an incredibly big year for Carter. Not only has he grown up physically (63 lbs, size 8 clothes and size 2/3 shoes) but he's grown up so much emotionally. This kid is awesome. 
Change would be the best way to describe this year for him. So much change. He finished 8 weeks of soccer, graduated preschool, became a big brother again, moved houses, did a week of track and field camp, started kindergarten, made new friends, started new childcare when I work, learned how to read and so, so much more. And even though there have been days that have felt a little overwhelming (how could they not?!) he has handled it all so well. 
Current likes: Peter Pan (always and forever), riding his scooter, soccer, running, playdates with friends, reading, making his little brother laugh, superheroes and movies. He is still my healthy eater, always finishing his veggies, loves green smoothies, savors every delicious bite of wild salmon and appreciates some good ol' homemade mac n'cheese. He's become so much more responsible. He willingly helps with Simon several times a day, always worries about others' feelings and loves to help his Dad with house/yard projects. He's become more sensitive. I've noticed more and more how much he thrives on structure and routine. How he notices when someone is sad or angry or frustrated. How surprises sometimes aren't so great. But through all of that he has become much more open about his feelings, his needs, his struggles. He appreciates a good book and will gladly sit and cuddle up on the couch while we read a huge pile of them. He loves the library, parks and bookstores. He's goofy. With that typical little boy humor that sometimes is so, so funny and other times is a little bit annoying. He loves to tell stories. About his day, his memories, books, anything really. He's become crafty! Amazing after all these years of encouraging him to just color a simple picture it's finally caught on and he'll sit for a solid hour cutting, glueing, coloring, painting and thoroughly enjoy it. He loves to learn and really loves school. 
In the past 6 years we've gone through some really difficult phases. Tantrums, poor sleeping habits, crazy boy energy and more. But right now, in this almost 6 year old state, it's just amazing. I am LOVING this age so so much. We are finding a good balancing act of respect, discipline, friendship and love. I can't wait to see how this year unfolds.

Carter - I am so so proud of the little man you are growing up to be. You constantly keep us on our toes and as much as you learn from us, we are always learning from you. I genuinely love our mama/son time together and can't wait for our next date together. I love how you love others, especially your sister and brother. I love how you care for your friends, always thinking about how they are doing. I love your energy, your strength and your speed. I love your willingness to try new things, even when it's a little scary or challenging. You've taken some major risks this year and I sometimes shake my head in disbelief because I can't believe how brave you are. You spent a week at track and field camp with kids twice your age. Not only could you keep up with them but your willingness to meet new friends, encourage others and follow directions from new coaches was amazing. You started school and bravely walked through those double doors on the first day in the midst of really big kids. You are in RAZ kids learning how to read, working on a new computer, getting mentored by different volunteers and simply trying your best. I know you get frustrated and overwhelmed at times but you are learning how to share those emotions with me and I'm so proud of how articulate you've become. You are handsome, kind, funny, strong, smart and generous. And I really couldn't love you more. Happy Birthday my incredible 6 year old!!


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