a run to remember.

>> August 16, 2016

5 years ago a high school friend of mine was tragically killed in a car accident while she was out running while on vacation. It was absolutely devastating to not only her family (a young, pregnant mom with 2 small boys) but to the community. To help her family cope with her loss and find a way to remember and honor her, her closest friends and family started the Lise and Faith Memorial Run. The first years' proceeds went to her husband and boys to help them with finances over the coming years. In the past 5 years this run has provided support to a handful of special people going through some incredibly hard times. 
When this year's run started getting organized, a good friend of mine encouraged me to nominate our other friend, Sarah. Sarah has been battling aggressive breast cancer for the past year, diagnosed just a couple weeks after she delivered her 4th baby. She is seriously one of the strongest people I know. She has somehow remained so positive over these last 12 months despite 20 weeks of chemo, a double mastectomy, multiple infections and now a new plan of treatment including a long course of oral chemo and will then need a complete hysterectomy and more radiation. Ugh. She is so young, such a great mom and one of the sweetest people around.
Lucky for her, she was chosen as the recipient this year!!!
I was so happy and honored to be able to run for her, as we remembered another friend who passed too soon. The kids were also excited since they include a kids fun run after the 5k with lots of prizes!
 We got to see a lot of friends from high school (both Matt and I since we went to rival high schools in the same town). This is Matt's longtime friend and old college roommate. And Carter is catching up to him quickly!
 One of my best friends ran with me and it was so fun. It was her first 5k and she was amazing! It was HOT that morning but Heather never gave up. Love getting to do these things with friends.
Our pre-run, pre-sweaty picture with the beautiful Sarah. She is looking so good for all she's been through!
And after! Whew it was hot and we were so sweaty! 

 Me with Cathy (Lise's mom and the main organizer of such a wonderful event).
 Kids all ready for their run! The funny part was as I was finishing my run I suddenly saw a bunch of kids go by, including Carter and Lucy. I thought it was odd they had started the kids run while the 5k was finishing up but just cheered them on and ran by. Well...ooops! Matt accidentally had them start the 1k instead! Carter was in tears he was so tired because he basically sprinted the entire thing. Ha! We got him some water and encouraged him to finish the kids run too....and then headed home to relax.


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