making the best of a wet spring.

>> April 7, 2017

Our spring weather has been somewhat depressing this year. It's like winter is determined to stick around FOREVER so we've had some pretty wet, cold, gray, overall bleh days. We are all trying to make the best of it and really enjoy the sunshine when it makes an appearance. Family walks after dinner, playing in the back yard, riding bikes and walking home from school are pretty great for all of us and we've learned to take advantage of the sunny skies any chance we get. 
Now that it's light a littler later each night we sort of throw schedules out the window and play, play, play! I'm loving this March because we have a full month break from any extra curricular activities. I know spring soccer and flag football and starting soon so having every night open right now feels amazing!

 Carter participated in his 2nd annual science fair at school. I was so proud of how he researched what he wanted to do and really did the entire thing himself. I was there to guide him but he wrote out the entire scientific method and created his display board on his own. The participation among students this year was so big they had to divide the fair into 2 rooms and even had hands on exhibits for all the kids to try. Love his school and their encouragement for learning outside the classroom!

 On a particularly sunny (but cold) morning I headed out to the backyard for some spring cleaning. With the help of 2 little ones we managed to clean out the disgusting sandbox, scrub the deck and clean the patio table. Now we have to tackle the yard!

 Lucy got to have a special date night with Matt last weekend. Her first Daddy/Daughter dance! Matt was a good sport for getting dressed up and going to this event, since it wasn't his first choice for date night. But, Lucy loved her one-on-one time with him. Such a special night for her!

 If it's not raining I've been bundling Simon up so we can go for a morning run and play at the park when the big kids are at school. He doesn't always love sitting in the stroller for my long runs so this particular day we took a break halfway through and did a nature walk together. Once he spotted the ducks at the park it was pretty hard to convince him to leave! He could stare at ducks all day long.

 He's just getting so big but at such a fun age right now. Love this crazy kid.
 And on those particularly cold, wet days? We bake! Always love having Lucy's help in the kitchen, she's becoming quite the chef these days.
Now we just need more sunshine and warmer days to be outside all the time!!!


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