a week in June.

>> June 25, 2017

My goodness it's been a busy week! I feel like as things wind down for the school year we are busy with end of the year gifts and projects while preparing for some fun summer plans. 
Last Sunday we celebrated Father's Day and the amazing dad that Matt is. There would be more picture except the kids refused to wear their pajamas and while they are adorable in undies it just wasn't appropriate to post. So, we gave him some special gifts and the kids made breakfast in bed all on their own! 
We had planned to go pick strawberries as a family except it was pouring down rain and the thought of 3 small children in a muddy, wet strawberry field just didn't scream fun. Crazy, I know. So, Matt spent some quality time with the kids at home while I ran out to the fields and did some picking to stock up for the winter. Luckily the rain stopped for the 40 minutes I was out there which helped...a little. I was still soaked from bending over but we now have 11 lbs. of strawberries to use all winter long!

Later in the day we had fun plans to go to the beach or a park but instead we went car shopping! Because there's no better gift on Father's Day to take 3 tired kids out to different car dealerships and sit in minivans. Ha! Loaded with snacks we made the best of it and got a lot of questions answered. No new car yet but I think its inevitable we are headed in that direction in the near future. Goodbye sporty SUV, hello new car payment. 
 Monday morning we got Carter off to school and then took Simon to his 2 year well child check. He is healthy and perfectly growing! He now weighs 33 lbs, 36 inches long and shot up to the 90% for height and weight, pretty typical for our kids.
 Simon got a new backpack and lunchbox for his birthday and is now obsessed with wearing it all around the house. He loves wearing it out to the bus stop and standing in line with the big kids while they wait to load the bus. Too cute!

 Wednesday I got to help out at Field Day at Carter's school. Sadly I haven't been able to attend any field trips this year or volunteer in the classroom so I was so happy to be there and help. He has such a great school with so many wonderful kids. We feel so lucky to be a part of such a great district.

 I got home and we played in the backyard for a bit. Simon loves our old lawnmower that we've had for all the kids to play with and while he was walking around I had this weird flashback to when Carter was a baby. Crazy how much these brothers are alike! Simon at age 2 on the left, Carter at about 16 months on the right!

 Carter has 1 last day left of school tomorrow (soooo late this year!) and got to bring home his final portfolio on Thursday.  A huge collection of all of his work throughout the year. To say this kid has improved would be a huge understatement. He started out the year writing simple stories with only 1 or 2 sentences and is now writing paragraphs with characters, problems and a conclusion. He has excelled in math, gained more confidence in his art skills and really loves learning. I'm so, so proud of this (almost!) 2nd grader!

 Teacher gift for his 1st grade teacher!
 And...today...the hottest day of the year! We are so excited for summer and swimming and sunshine....bring it on!


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