our bucket list.

>> July 24, 2017

 Every summer we make a bucket list with the kids. A long list of things they want to do, places they want to go and memories they want to make. And then each week we try to check a few things off! It helps when we have those free days and need a ideas on what to do and makes it easy to plan out weekends for family time. One of their items was a backyard campout! This was easy peasy. Planning out a family camping trip at a campground is much more involved. But in the backyard I hardly had to do a thing! We started with a delicious dinner of bacon cheeseburgers and fresh fruit and then Matt and the kids set up the tent. We ended with s'mores over the backyard firepit and then Simon and I headed indoors for the night while the big kids slept with Matt. (I would have totally slept out there with Simon except we really need a bigger tent for our family of 5!). The kids did great, loved it and in the morning headed indoors for a giant pancake breakfast. So fun and I loved their idea!

 Another item on our list? A Mariners game! Our church goes to a game each summer as a big group so this was the perfect opportunity to buy discounted tickets and sit with a bunch of people we know. Matt and I had very low expectations and assumed we'd be walking around more in the kid zone than actually sitting and watching the game. But the kids totally impressed us! We got there early to go to the team store and grab a quick snack before finding our seats. And then, we sat and watched almost the entire game! Even when I offered to go to the kids zone with Lucy she politely declined and said she'd rather keep an eye on the Mariners. Ha! It was such a fun day and the best part? We made the jumbotron!!! After all these years of Matt attending major sporting events he's never been on the big screen. But it was so fun to have our entire family on the screen waving and screaming. Huge highlight of the day.

Up next? Possibly a zoo trip, thai take out picnic dinner and a family bike ride. We LOVE summer!!!


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